20 People Who Saved Grateful Animals Who Then Thanked Them In The BEST Way

These animals certainly had a rough start to life but they were incredibly lucky to have some amazing humans looking out for them during their toughest times. However, these animals never forget about who treated them well and are incredibly grateful for the humans that saved them.

You might want to grab the tissues because the way these animals thanked their favourite human heroes is just too wholesome for words. I’m not crying, you’re crying…

1.) Indi the orphaned kangaroo

Source: The Kangaroo Sanctuary – Alice Springs via Facebook

Indi the baby Kangaroo was rescued and now lives at  The Kangaroo Sanctuary in Alice Springs. The rescue workers are clearly doing something right as Indi hugs them on a daily basis. Honestly, just look at her little face and how grateful she is, I hope she lives a long and happy life!

2.) Corporal Nobby Nobbs

via Love Meow

This adorable cat was 12-years-old and completely deaf when finally adopted after living neglected in a garage. When his new owner came across him, the two immediately bonded and now Nobbs can’t stop showering him with affection!

3.) Radish the piglet

Source: Erin Brinkley-Burgardt via Facebook

Poor Radish jumped out of a factory farm truck, trying to escape his fate. Thankfully, a kind family saw and rescued him, getting him care for his injuries, including a broken jaw. They now look after him in his safe forever home!

4.) Juniper the lion

white light black light

Although this picture may look like this woman is in danger, the lion is actually attacking her with kisses! Ana Julia Torres saved this beautiful lion from the travelling circus where he suffered from abuse and malnutrition.

5.) Bella the squirrel

Source: Bella the Squirrel and her crazy canines via Facebook

Brantley Harrison found Bella the squirrel being attacked by an owl in 2009. She cared for Bella for 5 months before releasing her outside. However, Bella wanted to show her gratitude and continued to visit Brantley every day for 8 years!

6.) Orphaned gorilla

via AOL

Patrick Karabaranga is a warden at the Virunga National Park. He made a new friend after showing compassion and looking after an adolescent gorilla whose parents had just been shot by poachers. They have now formed an unbreakable bond, hanging out and playing together on a daily basis.

7.) Benji the bobcat

Benji the bobcat via YouTube

This adorable bobcat was saved by a little boy during the wildfires in the Western US. His parents were more than a little surprised when he came home with the injured bobcat but they let him care for it and now they are best friends!

8.) Hallie Greer

via YouTube

A family saved a kitten they saw get hit by a car in West Virginia. They took her to the Itty Bitty Kitty Committee for them to nurse her back to health. She has now been adopted but didn’t forget to show her gratitude to the staff as she was constantly purring and showing her affection.

9.) The most grateful doggo

Petplan Pets via Imgur

Most pets hate going to the vet because it’s confusing and scary. However, this adorable pup knew exactly who to thank for making him feel better! My heart has melted.

10.) Duke the grateful doggo

Source: First Response Photography via LifeBuzz

Duke and his owner were trapped in a flood during a Texas storm. Duke’s owner hung onto him whilst calling 911 for them to be rescued. The dog ran up to the heroic firefighter and showered him with kisses to show his gratitude!

11.) John the orphaned fawn

Source: Amscolie via Imgur

This couple found a fawn that could barely walk due to having selenium deficiency and muscle disease. They got him healthy again and named him John Wayne, he was the star of their engagement photos!

12.) A grateful sawn

Shadowbun via Imgur

Swans aren’t exactly known for being affectionate, they are usually pretty scary! However, this beautiful swan was extremely grateful for the man who nursed her back to health and returned her to her home in England.

13.) A majestic Norwegian deer

Source: Britt Haugsevje Vangen via pikabu.ru

This beautiful deer was saved from hunters years ago. However, it still visits the home of its rescuers twice a day, every day!

 14.) Marvin the rescue dog


Marvin was rescued from neglect by a loving family. He enjoys cuddles every single day and is obviously very happy with his new home!

15.) Jiquitaia the jaguar

Source: None Mangueira – fotografia via Facebook

Brazilian soldiers found a tiny wounded Jaguar in the forest so they did what any human would do, take him home and get him healthy! He is now a part of the soldiers and plays with his comrades every day!

16.) Rademenesa the nurse cat

Source: KimFromNorway via Imgur

Rademenesa was only 2 months old when he had respiratory inflammation and had to be nursed back to health. She is now an assistant to the veterinary team and comforts other animals going through treatment. This is definitely the cutest thing ever!

17.) Jake the Fire Pibble

Jake the Fire Pibble via Facebook

This firefighter saved a pitbull from a burning home and he loved him so much that he had to adopt him! He has now become a member of the firefighting team, working alongside his best friend.

18.) Emma the moose

Emma the Moose via Facebook

Emma the moose has never forgotten the wonderful man who rescued her. in fact, she returns to his home every day to play with him, what an awesome friend to have!

19.) Nora the rescue dog

wellettas via Instagram

Nora lived in an abusive home as a puppy and is sadly still scared of people as an adult. However, the one person she does trust is the toddler, Archie. They are inseparable best friends, this is just the purest, most wonderful friendship ever!

20.) Jimbo the bear

via The Daily Mail

Jimbo is a huge 22-year-old bear who lives on the 100-acre Orphaned Wildlife Center in Otisville, New York. The amazing couple who run the centre considers Jimbo to be their son after raising him from a tiny cub. He still gives them bear hugs every day!

There you have it, if you are kind to animals and others, you will receive the most heartwarming thank you’s of all time! These animals are grateful for their owners and will not forget those who they owe their life to. Which one was you favourite? Let us know in the comments!

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