20 Dangerously Funny Tweets By The Kansas Police Department

The police are here to protect and serve the country, often putting their life on the line to protect the safety of the general public. It’s important for the police to connect with the local community and a sense of humour certainly does help!

Two police departments from the state of Kanas seem to be nailing the comedy side of their job and have been taking to Twitter to share their awesome sense of humour. They now have a huge following as the public can’t wait to laugh at what they tweet next. It’s a great way to build trust and a connection between citizens and cops.

1.) Lending a helping hand


And who said that the police weren’t helpful? They are always willing to assist in tricky situations, even helping out drug dealers! If they are lucky, the drug dealers might even get a warm cell bed to sleep in, how kind are the police?!

2.) The police are calling out the haters


Yelling “f**k you” to the police is just plain rude in the first place. However, it becomes plain stupid if you do it WHILST breaking the law in some way. Think before you speak or the police will publically shame you on Twitter!

3.) Pick a different day to break the law


In case you haven’t heard, the police want you to know that due to extreme weather conditions, they would prefer it if you would refrain from committing crimes until it’s just a little bit warmer. Hope this hasn’t inconvenienced anybody!

4.) Carl is the worst


Everyone has a Carl in their life, whose love for slurpies manages to get police vehicles stuck during the Snowmageddon. It happens to the best of us, it’s okay.

5.) Evil road conditions


This police force like to warn people about dangerous driving conditions whilst touching on the topic of consent and I’m loving it!

6.) Bad drivers watch out, the police are onto you!


I’m not sure how people struggle to drive on a clear sunny day with no traffic or any road issues. These people probably shouldn’t even be allowed cars and should probably wear a helmet even when walking to the shops.

7.) Giving up on people making wise decisions


I’m sorry but if I’m hungry and want a snack but there’s nothing in the house, I WILL face dangerous conditions to get my snack of choice. The police can’t stop me! They can call me out on Twitter though…

8.) I’m not sure they can give you a good time…


Looks like the police have fallen victim to the classic phone number prank. I hope that they haven’t been too disturbed by the creepy calls!

9.) I can’t go to work today, the police told me not to


What a shame! Don’t you just hate it when the police don’t let you leave the house to go to work? Ah well, looks like I might have to enjoy a lie-in then, THE HORROR! The police seem very done today according to this tweet…

10.) Help us help you


Oh dear, do people actually do this? If I worked for the police, I definitely wouldn’t have sympathy for these people and would probably tell them to get their car back themselves, which is probably why I’m not a police officer! I love how passive aggressive this tweet is though, don’t even bother being stupid around the police today!

11.) These tweets are getting out of hand


Oops, looks like this police tweeter got told off for telling people when it is and is not okay to criminal. You don’t want to criminal around these guys today, they will be extra annoyed.

12.) Police on scammers


If anyone actually fell for this scam, I would be concerned, why on Earth would the police demand bitcoin over the phone?! I would kind of want this scammer to ring me though so I could insult them on behalf of the police.

13.) “OMG, we are totally matching!”


Not only are these two friends matching outfits but also sharing the same seat, how sweet! Bit concerned about the police funding though if they don’t even have enough seats, maybe they really ARE demanding bitcoin…

14.) Hard at work


These police officers really do have to go through some rigorous training to make the cut, this driving lesson looks intense! I wonder if these are the same two officers who shared a car? The friendship continues!

15.) Police to do checklist


If you’re bored, this police department has kindly provided a to-do list during the bad weather. I enjoy the thinking about criminalling point, something we obviously all do on a daily basis.

16.) The battle between police and fire


There has always been some healthy banter between police and fire departments but this takes the cake. They are right though, with that polar vortex I doubt the fire department would have been that busy!

17.) A little bit of police poetry


What a treat! The police are firing out some top-quality poems for us all to enjoy. They really are fitting the stereotype of cops loving donuts but then again, who DOESN’T love donuts?!

18.) You don’t want to break the law in the cold


If you make the cops get out of the car in these freezing temperatures, you are DEFINITELY going to regret it big time. Be sensible and commit a crime on a warmer day, you’ve got to be a little bit more considerate.

19.) The police are savage


Clearly, this police department’s Twitter account takes top priority and if you say that you don’t want to feature on it. Do you know what will happen? You’ll feature on it!

20.) Doing a great job


He can supervise him just fine from a distance right? I can imagine that he is doing a great job, there’s no point BOTH of you getting cold!

It’s nice to see the police having a sense of humour and integrating well with the community. Do you have a police department like this near you? Let us know in the comments!

The post 20 Dangerously Funny Tweets By The Kansas Police Department appeared first on Go Social.

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