Twitter User Asks Everyone To Name The Weirdest Things Their Cat Does And The Results Will Not Disappoint You
It’s that age-old debate; Cats or Dogs? Some people are cat people, some people are dog people, some love both and others love neither (do NOT trust these people).
Well, would it help if I told you that it has actually been scientifically proven that cats are, in fact, actually complete and utter jerks?
Nope, seriously, it has! Not only that, but it has also been scientifically proven that not only are they total jerks (again, their words, not mine), that they are also 100% huge weirdos.
REALLY. I mean, did you know scientists say that despite the fact it was humans who domesticated dogs and other various companion and working animals… it was actually cats who domesticated themselves?
Which then begs the question; does that mean cats, actually, domesticated humans? (Honestly… I think we all know the answer to that one)
Anyway, due to their evolutionary history, cats are bonified crazy, and there is a lot of research to back this claim up. However, just because there is a solid explanation as to why cats are so weird, doesn’t actually change the fact that they are, undoubtedly, SUPER FREAKIN’ WEIRD FUR-BALLS.
But hey, we love them anyway, right? Of course we do.
Anyway, in the name of cat-love, Twitter user @poorlycatdraw posed a question to the Twitterverse:
— poorly drawn cats (@poorlycatdraw) February 6, 2019
And obviously, due to the fact that there are many cat lovers out there who own cats, and cats do so many weird things that there was an almost tsunami-sized response to the proposed question.
For example, this cat; who either believes it’s currently in Mission Control or it’s just trying to desperately hold on for its 9 lives;
Or this cat, who looks like it has absolutely ZERO responsibilities in its life, and it is 100% okay with that:
— Sa (@Sabrio__) February 6, 2019
How about these hygiene-conscious kitties, who love nothing more than chilling out in their favorite spot in the world… the bathtub!?
Leo sits in the tub. All the time. I walk in to use the bathroom and he's just there
— Tamara (@yogurtgarol) February 6, 2019
@ddemerly I had to share this!
— Karen Demerly (@kdemerly) February 7, 2019
There’s also this vain princess of a cat, who in all honesty is pretty much my spirit animal:
she really likes herself
— holly (@schollyhultz) February 6, 2019
There are also many very talented felines out there. Take this very musically inspired, obviously genius cat for example:
— Sarah Wasserman (@SarahLWasserman) February 6, 2019
Or this cat who adorably (or disturbingly!?) has a HUGE thing for faces. Like seriously he just can’t get enough of a good face:
This is oatmeal
— M.
(@wussupbri) February 6, 2019
This guy who can’t really meow:
Dave makes the weirdest noises, also don’t worry we have now replaced that awful carpet
— Sensei Bill (@jujitsubill) February 6, 2019
Not to mention all those derpy-lookin’ cats out there (yeah, you know the ones I’m talking about, let’s not act like you don’t):
— mleko czekoladowe (@dziwnysen) February 6, 2019
And cats like this fella who hasn’t quite figured out the best method of drinking water just yet (but hey, at least he’s trying!):
This is how Charlie drinks water
— Mary Mooneyham (@marymooneyham93) February 7, 2019
Cats are known for their ability to literally fit in any kind of teeny tiny confined space imaginable. They’re also known for having THE most uncomfortable sleeping positions imaginable. For example, this guy;
My cat sleeps like this.
— Otto Titsling (from Beaches) (@OttoTitsling) February 7, 2019
However, not being picky about where they park their behind’s means they have unlimited seating opportunities and take them whenever they come across them… especially when they definitely should not be sitting there. Just like tis cheeky lot!
Laika gets very concerned when @_talking_head takes a bath, then I catch her pretending to be him
— Rose Green (@rgmgreen) February 6, 2019
She likes sitting where she shouldn't.
— Sonia B. Turpin (@shelby_san) February 6, 2019
Every night at bedtime she lays on my chest for an hour of attention, no matter what@time I go to bed
— KATE (@starbroken1980) February 6, 2019
Falls asleep sitting like this
— Carolina
(@tripp_kid) February 6, 2019
Wally loves to defy physics and sploot
— {…alexReddicks} (@areddicks1014) February 6, 2019
he escaped from his carrier on the way to the vet..see photo for accomplice
— k8
(@k8lynnn817) February 6, 2019
We have one regular cat and one creature that is masquerading as a cat. Nothing he does is normal.
— LibT.A.R.D.I.S. (@dinnerbeans) February 6, 2019
She sleeps ANYWHERE, in ANY WAY, at ANY TIME. Once my bf took her in the hands to play with her, they were all hugs and bites and OUT OF NOWHERE she's snoozing
This pic is from when we took her in. She was anxious about the car and going to a new home. But guess what? Snooze
— baNANI
(@byrayls) February 6, 2019
Basically, in conclusion, ALL cats are absolute furry little weirdos, and they pretty much get away with doing whatever the heck they want because years of evolution have given them the power to trick us into letting them do whatever the heck they want at all times.
Ah well… it’s too late for us to go back and change it now! Guess we’re forever just gonna have to let them rule over us for the rest of eternity (and I, for one, am completely okay with that).
Here’s to weirdo cats all over the world!
Do you have a cat at home who is always doing weird, crazy thing? Well, if you have a cat at all, then of course you do. Let me know in the comments about all the weird and wonderful things you’ve ever caught your cat doing! And don’t forget to share this with all of your cat-loving (or weirdo appreciating) friends and family! x
The post Twitter User Asks Everyone To Name The Weirdest Things Their Cat Does And The Results Will Not Disappoint You appeared first on Go Social.
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