Top 5 Tips for Students-Bloggers
Student bloggers must learn that the biggest secret to learning how to write great pieces is that practice always makes perfect. Therefore, logically, the more you write, the better you get at it. However, one must let the students-bloggers discover the value of their writing voice. They need to learn for themselves and from others, help students impact the world with their writing, connect with other writers and create healthy relationships, research, solve problems, collaborate, innovate, and prepare for the future. The primary goal of blogging is to make sure that students learn, reflect and develop. They should encourage learners to write everything they want and find a way to grow their potential as critical thinkers and writers. When learners are given a chance to control their own learning processes, great thing happen.
Make clear expectations
Before everything else, it is critical to ensure that your idea is clear. What is your ideal learning environment like? Can you a line you vision with that of your student? When they understand what you are trying to achieve, it is easier for them to understand your concepts. Ideally, strive to learn something too. Everyone is a learner, so they should try to develop skills that guide them to learn new things. Every teacher aims to have a room full of independent, problem solvers and creative students. Create an environment where everyone including the students can offer their knowledge and be corrected whenever they can. If you want them to start can I pay someone to write my paper for me services, let them know.
Start with a small group
Small groups are manageable. With 6-8 students, you will not have variant expectations or goals. For your future classes, these students can be mentors. Once you have guided them towards the right path, give them the freedom to lead and make their own decisions. Encourage them to launch and establish their student portal and make themselves with the leadership positions. It will give them the confidence they need to care for and protect the work with passion. When you start small, you have the power to set the bar higher and expect that other learners will lead.
Encourage inquiry projects
The power of inquiry learning is undebatable and the one of many important tips for bloggers is never stop learning. Encourage your learners to share and practice what they have learnt through their student blog. Allow your students to express their natural curiosity through these inquiry projects. It is an excellent way to bring out the explorer in the students. It allows them to engage their critical thinking abilities and make better choices. They become true explorers and learners that push them to learn more. With a student-centred environment, it is easy for them to explore, research, investigate and write about the issues that are interesting to them.
Share with admins, parents, and others
Parents and teachers are often the biggest cheerleaders of students. It is therefore vital to make sure that they see what the learners are doing. At first, the students will be nervous, but at the same time, they will be very excited. It is a great way to teach them that their words have consequences and can impact the readers. It will show students that there are certain words that they have to use to capture the attention of the audience.
In this age of technology, educators have the responsibility of teaching learners to make the right decisions. It also entails trusting that they will choose correctly because of the values you have taught them in class. The main difference between being an excellent human and digital citizenship is nothing. Soon, you leaners will learn that if they can be, online, who they are in real life, it will be vast and less complicated.
Walk them through the blog
First, make sure that you set their expectations right. Today, technology has made information widely available to your students probably know a lot even before you start teaching them. So, let them do their best without expecting perfection. Read their work as often as possible. If they write more than you can read- because they eventually will- create groups where they can check each other’s content.
The best way to teach students is through leading by example. Once you learn something new on your own or through your students, put that into your own blog. The best way to teach bloggers is by being a blogger yourself. Students will see the tactics you use to gain followers and gain more readers. They will also understand how to use the words and key phrases to capture the attention of search engines. Share all your experiences, the good and bad, with them. As they explore, they are likely to veer off the mistakes and errors you made and choose better. They will also learn from you about taking risks, growing, learning and pushing past the mistakes.
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