This Contractor Awards “Employee Of The Week” To The Dogs Of The Houses He Works At… Here’s 20 Of Them!

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Meet Fred Jr. Fred works at Josephsen Hardwood Floor Company, who have been repairing, installing and refinishing hardwood floors in southern New Jersey for 3 whole generations. Fred basically drives around to people’s houses in his trusty van and will craft you top quality floors and staircases for reasonable prices.

Now, if you’ve ever had work done in your home before, you’ll know that it can more often than not be completely chaotic. There’s ripping and tearing and dust and drilling and sanding… hey, it’s the nature of the job, after all! And not only is it chaotic for the humans of the house, oh no. It can be just as chaotic for it’s four-legged, canine residents too.

Luckily, being the professional he is, Fred completely understands this, and so on every job he goes out to he makes sure he’s gone out of his way to show his appreciation towards all of his doggy ‘helpers’.

In fact, he’s even started to hand out “Employee of the Week” to his best doggy helpers and posting their pictures to his business’ page with adorable captions to go along with them, and the people (and the dogs, of course) are LOVING it… me included!

So without further ado, scroll down to check out some of Fred’s ’employees of the week’ for yourself, and let us know what you think in the comments! Enjoy!

1. Harley

Harley looks like a very well-behaved pooch indeed!

2. The 2nd Harley

And so does this Harley! Look at those big sad eyes… I’d just HAVE to spend my day throwing the ball for her.

3. Dexter

It’s not easy for pooches when someone comes in and invades their territory, luckily these two have an understanding of sorts… he still doesn’t look happy though!

4. Buster (and Sparky)

This guy looks like he’s ready to tackle the work ahead of him! Or maybe he’s just ready to tackle Fred? Either way he looks pretty happy about being picked as Employee of the Week!

5. Ralph

Imagine being on vacation only to come back and find someone ripping up your beloved home!? Ralph looks a little unsure about the whole situation.


Nevermind laying down on the job… this is honestly the weirdest way I’ve ever seen any dog laying down EVER!

7. Lacey

Lacey looks 100% like a good girl. And it sounds as though she and Fred have a great working relationship!

8. Killer

I need to know if this dogs name is really Killer or if this is just what Fred calls him. What a great name for such a smiley boy! 10/10

9. Bill W, Einstein & Monroe

Sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming meeting so many good boys and girls all in one week, and it can be hard to choose just one! I feel like Fred made a great choice with these 3 though.

10. Isla

A beautiful name for a beautiful girl!

11. Vito

Sometimes the best employees know that the best way they can help is by staying out of the way… just like adorable, goofy Vito here!

12. Kona

And how could Fred forget about his Employee of Forever, Kona? It seems Fred has always been a dog person, and it definitely shows!

13. Otis

It doesn’t all have to be hard work all the time, sometimes it’s fun to take a break and toss around a ball or two! Right Otis?

14. Paulie Girl

I don’t blame poor Paulie Girl in all honesty… those sanders can be way too freakin’ noisy! No thanks.

15. Abigail

It’s a sad fact that not everybody owns a dog (whoever doesn’t is a crazy person in my opinion!) but the absence can all be worth it when you get a job in a home with a doggy as lovely as this little lady!

16. Shoots and Scores

So CUTE. I definitely wouldn’t mind being supervised on the job by brothers Shoots and Scores! They can monitor me all they want!

17. Tucker

Honestly, it’d probably be very hard for me to not get in trouble from trying to take little Tucker out of the home and keeping him all for myself! What a cutie!

18. Tucker Number 2

Another Tucker… such a good name for good boys everywhere! Sounds like this little guy is quite the handful, but still keeps his mind on the task at hand! You go, Tucker!

19. Frida

Frida sounds like one cheeky minx! We can totally see why she was awarded Employee of the Week this week! Keep up the good work Frida.

20. Baron

And last but not least, my favorite of the bunch, Baron. I love a good jokester, and you can definitely tell he knows his best camera angles!

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Can’t get enough of these Employee’s of the Week? Well, why not head over to Stairfaces and Josephsen Hardwood Floors Facebook page to check out the rest? And if you have your own Employees of the Week at home, why not share them with us in the comments below!? And don’t forget to share this with all your friends and family! x

The post This Contractor Awards “Employee Of The Week” To The Dogs Of The Houses He Works At… Here’s 20 Of Them! appeared first on Go Social.

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