Runaway Pig In Ohio Is Lured Back Home With Trail Of Oreo Cookies

They say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, but as it turns out, the same applies to pigs, too. Make your own jokes with that one!

A runaway pot-bellied pig was recently lured back home with a trail of Oreos, police in Ohio have revealed. The animal, who is named Charlotte, went on the loose in Middletown in southwestern Ohio on Friday.

Even in Ohio, a pig wondering around town isn’t something you see every day, so worried local residents called police to report it, and an officer soon arrived on the scene. Luckily, it turned out to be a police officer who grew up feeding hogs on a farm! Talk about the ‘right man for the job’.

The K-9 officer, who was trained in handling animals, managed to track down Charlotte’s owner, and set about luring the pig to safety and take her home. What’s a little surprising is the choice of food used to lure the piggy back – not oats or breadcrumbs, but a trail of Oreo cookies. This is a pig after my own heart!

Middletown police shared pictures of the runaway animal in a Facebook post on Friday evening. In their tongue-in-cheek post they said: ‘We had to take this pig into custody, he was involved in a disturbance… Someone was tryin’ to blow his house down…’

We had to take this pig into custody, he was involved in a disturbance…….someone was tryin' to blow his house down……..

Posted by Middletown Division of Police on Friday, 22 February 2019

As it turned out, the cookie-loving animal was in fact a female pig, whose owner Yvette Hoffman commented on the Facebook post that Charlotte was ‘excited to meet everyone’ now that she had been found.

An unknown person had let Charlotte out of her yard, Ms Hoffman said. Police explained to a commenter that ‘Charlotte went home very easy with the aid of Oreos’.

The comments section was full of adoration for Charlotte the pig. A fellow animal-lover in the comments asked if they could adopt the pig, but police said: ‘No her owner is happy to have her back’. I bet they were – she’s a cutie.

The officer who took the call, Dennis Jordan, told the story to the Journal-News, and mentioned his background in raising pigs on the farm: ‘It was my job to slop [feed] the hogs every morning before school.’

Saying he had not pressed charges, he said: ‘They are new to the city, so I did not cite them for pig running at large.’

Well, that’s good of them. After all, these things are hard to control once they’re out! But it’s good to know that they can be talked around with Oreos – kinda like me when I’m in a mood.

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