Incredibly Loyal Dog Refuses To Leave The Side Of Paralyzed Owner Stuck In The Snow

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It’s no secret that dogs are pretty much the most loyal animals on the entire planet (and if you disagree I’ll fight you! …not really but I do strongly believe it), but every now and then we here about a dog who has gone above and beyond the levels of loyalty expected.

For example, say you live alone, it’s a nice, peaceful life and you’re quite happy to go about your day in your own peaceful way… but then, what would happen if there was an emergency, and no one around you to help you with it? I think you’ll admit, that is one scary, scary thought.

Well, this story is about a man who, unfortunately, experienced such a scary situation first hand.

The man in question is Bob, who hails from Michigan and lives with his beloved dog Kelsey. One day, Bob experienced a horrible, horrible accident and had literally no way at all of calling for help.

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Bob was sitting at home on New Year’s Ever, watching TV, minding his own business and waiting for the ball to drop. He had his beloved dog Kelsey by his side, and it got to about an hour and a half away before the New Year rang in. Of course, at this point, Bob had absolutely no idea that this was the night his life would literally change forever.

During a commercial break, Bob decided to take the opportunity to go outside in order to grab more logs for his fire, which at this point was dying inside. This was the moment disaster struck. Due to the heavily icy, wintry conditions… Bob’s life was about to take a horrifying and fateful turn.

Bob stepped outside to grab the firewood and completely lost his footing. He slipped on the incredibly icy sidewalk, fell… and broke his neck. Because of this, he terrifyingly found himself paralyzed. Paralyzed, and alone.

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Bob was, obviously, unable to move, and so found himself lying face up in the freezing cold snow, with his nearest neighbor being over a quarter of a mile away. At this point, Bob was absolutely certain that this would be it for him, this is the exact moment his life was going to end, due to the fact that he couldn’t reach for the phone, nor was he able to scream loud enough to be heard by anyone.

However, it wasn’t long before Kelsey, Bob’s four-legged partner in crime, heard his cries coming from outsides. Instinctively she rushed to his side in order to comfort him, and she immediately knew something was very, very wrong. Kelsey began to bark frantically, and although Bob was of course, super happy to have Kelsey by his side, he was still very certain that there was no freakin’ way he’d find any help in this dark situation.

And so, for 20 looooong hours (20 HOURS!), Bob lay there in the bone-chilling 24-degree horrific weather, completely and utterly paralyzed. Of course, Kelsey tried her best to keep him nice and warm while she barked and howled, trying to signal help the entire time.

Eventually, Bob ended up losing complete consciousness ordeal the whole ordeal, and yet his faithful furry companion was still determined to try and keep him alive (No… I’m not crying, YOU’RE crying). She continued to bark and howl and make whatever racket she could incessantly, trying as hard as she possibly could in order to get the attention of literally anyone who may be in earshot.

And then, thankfully, after all that time… her persistence worked – a neighbor finally heard her desperate cries for help.

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As soon as the neighbor in question arrived and saw Bob in such a terrible, horrific condition, they immediately called the emergency services. At this point, time was 100% of the essence and for Bob’s survival, every second was crucial. At this point, it was even uncertain if Bob would survive after being in such torturous, freezing temperatures for so so long with such a traumatic injury.

Bob was then rushed to the nearest hospital there was and the doctors were eventually able to decompress his spine… which actually reversed his paralysis!


“I am so thankful for my two heroes,” Bob said in a statement himself, referring to both his beloved Kelsey and his neighbor. “They are truly heroes and I will be eternally grateful.”

Basically, if it hadn’t been for Kelsey’s own persistence and unwavering loyalty, and of course Bob’s own perseverance and incredibly strong will to survive, the entire situation could have turned out much, much differently… in fact, the other outcome is not even worth thinking about. Bob certainly has a lot to be grateful for, and has been given a new lease on life!

Clearly, Kelsey is the absolute epitome of being ‘man’s best friend’ which she is most certainly to Bob… he owes her life to her after all! And has once again proven that the loyalty of dogs literally knows no bounds. I’m so glad these two have each other!

Now… Hopefully, Bob will be a little more careful next time he decides to venture out in the snow!

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