Here’s What Your Dreams Are Trying To Tell You
We all know that feeling when we wake up from a crazy dream that we truly believed was real, it was just so vivid! You then spend the rest of the day questioning everything and what the dream even meant in the first place…
We are here to help you decode that insanely crazy dream you just had. Don’t worry, your subconscious isn’t trying to kill you, it DOES actually mean something…
1.) You were being chased
If you had an intense action dream where you were running away from something that was chasing you, this actually does mean something in real life. It is showing how you respond to stress, fear and conflict. If there’s something you’ve been avoiding in real life recently, it might be time to confront it. Because let’s be honest, we all run away from our problems too much.
2.) You were flying
If you’ve had a dream that you were flying high in the sky and feeling exhilarated, this connects to your self-perception and how you see the world. It could mean that you’re going through some exciting changes in life and your subconscious is telling you to live in the moment and enjoy it! That’s nice.
3.) You died
If you dreamt that you were dying and you were fearful (who wouldn’t be) it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to drop dead in real life at any second. It actually could be your subconscious urging you to embrace new beginnings and let toxic things in the past go.
4.) You cheated on your partner
Okay, if you’ve dreamt that you are cheating on your partner, it doesn’t immediately make you a TERRIBLE person that needs to break up with your partner. What it really means is that you may have repressed sexual desires that aren’t being fulfilled. They are demanding your attention!
5.) You were being cheated on
Now the tables have turned! If you have dreamt about your partner cheating on you, it actually says more about you than it does your partner. It’s your subconscious telling you about your own shortcomings and insecurities in the relationship. You might need more attention and affection from your partner to feel secure.
6.) You dreamt about having sex with your ex
If you had this FRIGHTFUL nightmare of having sex with your ex, it might mean that events in your waking life are bringing out similar experiences you felt when you were with your ex. Your subconscious is alerting you that whoever you are with or what you are doing with your life, is giving you the same feelings.
7.) Dreaming of sex with a friend
You know that AWFUL moment you have to look someone in the eye who you dreamt that you had sex with, it’s so awkward. It’s a sign that you want closeness or intimacy with that person. This feeling is triggered by newfound feelings or relationships going through changes.
8.) Teeth falling out
If you’ve ever had the classic dream of your teeth randomly falling out, this can be a sign of low self-esteem and concern over how other people view you in the real world. It’s also representative of a fear of an upcoming task and making a fool of oneself.
9.) Dreaming about bleeding
If you’ve had a dream where you have a wound that’s bleeding, it can signify exhaustion or emotional drainage in your life. The more violent the flow, the deeper the emotional stress. Cheerful!
10.) Being pregnant
If you’ve ever had a dream that you are pregnant, it can suggest that an unseen aspect of yourself is growing and developing, not your womb though! It may also suggest a birth of a creative idea or project that will require a lot of hard work and dedication, much like a child!
11.) Being naked in a public place
If you dream that you are naked in a public place and you are very embarrassed, it strongly correlates with your insecurities in waking life. You may have unrealistic goals at school or work, which is why you feel naked and exposed there.
12.) A loved one was dying
We’ve all had the devastating dream at some point or another where a loved one dies and we really think that it’s real. What it really means is that your relationship with that person is going through some tension and strain. The relationship could consequently go through strain or loss. Bridges need to be burned or rebuilt!
I’m sure that you will never look at your dreams in the same way now. Everything has a deeper meaning, we just need to look closer at it! At least you might be less confused and disturbed next time you dream about having sex with your friend…
The post Here’s What Your Dreams Are Trying To Tell You appeared first on Go Social.
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