Gay Man Is Stopped From Adopting Kittens Because Of His Sexuality

I Cant Modern Family GIF by HULU

So it’s 2018 and gay people are still being stopped from doing regular, everyday things that straight people get to do all the time… just because they’re gay. Not surprising, but still very, very upsetting.

This is Alex Andreou. Alex is a UK based Actor and Writer, and recently, he decided that he had so much love to give that he wanted to open his home to a couple of lovely little kittens so that he could love them and care for them, y’know, average every day human stuff.

However, when responding to an ad he saw online, Alex had no idea what a seriously un-average, un-everyday event it would turn into.

It all started when the owner of the kittens started asking Alex some pretty personal questions…


Weird, right? And not to mention, 1000000% unessecary and inappropriate. It’s safe to say that after looking forward to picking up two adorable, furry, bundles of joy… Alex was truly devastated.



However, Alex has some good people in his life. His friend Lisa offered to pick them up for him under the guise that she would, in fact, be the one adopting the cats herself.



However, things did not exactly go smoothly for poor-old Lisa either. When it came time to actually collect the kittens Lisa was also met with an array of strange text messages from the owner.



SUPER weird, right? I don’t know about you but I certainly wouldn’t want this person to know where I live, never mind invite her in for tea.



For some reason, there were some people out there who thought – and I’m being serious with you here – that Andreou was actually making this whole thing up. People, amirite?



But that’s not all folks… after a bit of sleuthing on Andreou’s part, the plot began to well and truly thicken…


(see, I told you)


Alas, despite the satisfying (but still incredibly weird) outcome, Alex still found himself without a new fluffy little partner in crime. He refused to give up, however. He had love to give and he was going to give it, darn it! So Alex did what most people do in similar situations these days and reached out to a higher power (AKA; Twitter).



And the people of the UK and the rest of Twitterverse did NOT disappoint! (But then again, do they ever do?)


Those names… AMAZING!


I for one am glad that Alex got his happy ending in the end, and ended up with not one but TWO cute little furry partners in crime. As he said himself, kindness always wins in the end, no matter what evil you may be up against! Be kind folks, always x



The post Gay Man Is Stopped From Adopting Kittens Because Of His Sexuality appeared first on Go Social.

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