Everlasting scars wicked mother gave to her 7-year-old son because he broke her food flask (Photos)
A mother severely brutalized her 7-year-old son in Enugu state, leaving him with everlasting injuries all because he broke her food flask.
According to Instagram user, Ifeoma Faith Nebe, the boy came to school today with sores all over his body and when he was asked who was responsible for his injuries, he refused to open up, instead he lied that he fell down.
Eventually, he revealed his mother was the one who beat him. According to the poster, they are waiting with police officers for the boy’s abusive mother.
Sharing about the child abuse incident, the Instagram user wrote,
This is what I found in my mum’s school today cus he broke his mum’s food flask. We kept asking who did this to you he said he fell down it took almost one hour before he said it’s his mum. This here is inhumane for a child of 7 years Jesus this not fair. We are definitely waiting for her with police
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