A Woman Showed What The Ideal Female Figure Looked Like At Different Times, Making Us All Think

A Woman Showed What The Ideal Female Figure Looked Like At Different Times, Making Us All Think, Cassey He is a blogger and physical trainer from the United States. The woman does sport and tries to eat well, but does not strive to get the perfect figure. Why? The answer is simple: she is sure that the ideal body does not exist, and she found a very clear way to prove it.

With the help of Photoshop, Cassey decided to show what the ideal of feminine beauty has been at different times. In order for her subscribers to see the difference between the photos clearly, the girl exited the same image.

1400-1700: the “perfect” body was exuberant, with curves

1920s: the “perfect” body was like a child’s

Year 1950: the “perfect” body was an hourglass figure

1990s: the “perfect” body was very thin

Mid-1990s: the “perfect” body had large breasts and long legs

2018: the “perfect” body has a thin waist and large buttocks

And that’s how Cassey Ho really looks

“This project was interesting because I did not like any of the pictures of the ‘perfect’ body. I realized that I prefer to be myself, ” said the blogger.

Cassey encourages all women in the world to think about why we perceive our body in the same way as fashion: who tells us what is beautiful and what is not? “Please, treat yourself with love and respect, and do not pay attention to the rules. Accept your figure, because it is already perfect, ” says the young woman.

Of course, Cassey does not urge you to forget about practicing sports and taking care of yourself. On the contrary, she pleads for everyone to seek personal perfection. Only standard fashion taxes will not help with that, nor will breast enlargement operations, endless diets and many fashion trends. The only way to achieve that goal is to lead a healthy lifestyle, possess the ability to find the middle ground and a wise approach to your appearance.

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