30+ Hilarious Church Signs That Make Religion Fun!

With all due respect to people’s beliefs, a lot of the time, any religion couldn’t really be described fun. As much as you enjoyed your faith, ‘hilarious’ wouldn’t really be your first word to describe it, if asked, would it? Let’s be honest.

Faith & Religion (whichever you choose) is meant to be about self-sacrifice, thinking of others and generally, just being as good a person that you can be.

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So, amusement and entertainment wouldn’t really come into that, would it?

Well, think again!

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As these next 20 hilarious Church signs prove (& they’re totally genuine!) religion doesn’t have to be all sacrifice and abstinence from fun.

Sometimes, it can be about having the best darn sense of humour!
& Hey! It works for businesses to have catchy signs outside to entice you in, what should make the Church any exception!?

1. No one ever does…

It’s pretty hard to argue with the sentiment behind this one, and it’s very nice wordplay too.

Just goes to show you that sometimes, not reading the Apple terms and conditions can have very serious consequences! I mean, look what happened to Adam and Eve! Think about that, the next time your device asks you to install a new update…

2. Sin = Bad Jesus = Good

The weather gets the best of all of us from time to time, and even if you’re a man of the cloth, it can sometimes just be too much.

The sign makes a very persuasive point. I finally get it now, someone should have put it in such simple terms, years ago!

It’s a bit like the Trump approach to oratory – keep it short and simple.


3. Speaking of the weather…

There’s little than demonstrates the differences between adults and children as much as snow. To children, it’s the most wonderful thing imaginable, and could even get you the day off school. To adults, it’s a gigantic pain in the ass, and could get you fired for not being able to get to work.

Whoever’s praying for this snow, cut it!


4. BURN (Literally!)

Honestly, who has the gall to steal an entire air conditioning system – and from a *church* no less! Some people just have no shame, I guess.

Having said that, this is a brilliant comeback, and will hopefully alert the rest of the community to what is going on. This Church has got all the sass – sign me up, I need some of that shade.


5. YES!!!

A lot of bible verses are pretty hard for the general public to get their head around, especially if they have to be short enough to fit on a sign like this.

This Church is very clever in the way they’ve approached things. With this message, they must know that this is going to hit 90% of people RIGHT in the feels!


6. “Lettuce Praise & Relish Him”

Okay, I know we’re only 6 points into the list, but it’s going to be hard to top this one.

I can never get enough of these kind of stupid puns, and I’m glad that this church is on the same wavelength. These guys are clearly streets ahead when it comes to the marketing game, and frankly I think the other churches in the area really need to ketchup.


7. Always forgive

This is actually very true. I don’t want to go too preachy so early on in the proceedings…but holding onto anger and resentment towards others, only harms you.

Always wish your enemies well, as hard as it may be sometimes because when Karma (of any kind) finally catches up with them, they’re gonna need it. Forgive them, forgive yourself! Amen.


8. The Faith of Bad Puns

As I said a couple of points ago, I’m a huge fan of bad puns and dad jokes, so obviously I’m totally on board with this one as well.

Hold on a second – this one doesn’t even say what the church is, or where it is. Was this just put there by some dude out of pure commitment to cringe jokes? That’s commitment.


9. The Patron Saint of Twitter

sometimes, a simple turn of phrase is all it takes to get more attention. ‘Treat others as you’d like to be treated’ is a golden rule for life, and that espoused by the church.

‘Tweet as you’d like to be tweeted’ is just solid PR advice. Have you seen how quickly a Twitter beef can escalate? Before you know it, you could have mob outside your house.


10. Noah, What a guy!

I never thought of this… if Noah had two of EVERY single animal on Earth, then surely that would’ve included a whole bunch of animals who only eat wood, such as termites and beavers.

There would have also been a lot of animals who eat termites and beavers… you know what, let’s not get too far into the whole story of the Ark.


11. You complete me!

I don’t know what’s missing from church… maybe a few spare bibles? A couple more footrests? A decent vending machine in the building adjacent? Better bathroom facilities? Oh, hold on… it’s me you’re talking about?!

Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so needed and missed in my whole life! I’m a-comin’ Immanuel Church, I’m a-comin’! Don’t start without me!


12. Slow down, Jesus is always watching!

This one’s all about the short-term AND long-term consequences of driving like a total jerk. Basically, if Jesus doesn’t get you, the Cops will! I think that’s pretty much a good metaphor for everything bad that you get up to in life – not just road traffic incidents!

Also, I like that this sing is yellow, and has lights on that will glow at night. There’s no missing this baby!



Now this is a good one. I think all the ladies need a sign like this in their bathrooms, to be honest. Judging by some of the bathrooms I’ve seen, it seems like a lot of men think the correct way to ‘piddle’ is to stand on the bowl and aim outwards!

I don’t get what’s so difficult about aiming that thing!


14. Zzzzzzz

This might not get people flocking to this baptist church, but at least they’re being honest, I guess…

While we’re on this subject, I’ll be honest and tell you that I did actually fall asleep in church once. It was when I was kid, and I’d stayed up late playing Nintendo on the Saturday night. Only God can judge me!


15. The Jedi Faith

While most of the funny signs on here have been a play on words, this is a direct quote from the Star Wars movies.

I guess the quote itself is entirely applicable to the church, but at the same time, do they really want Darth Vader speaking for their organization? I’m not sure that’s a very good PR move, to be honest…


16. God vs Google

I guess this is technically true, in a kind of philosophical sense. To be fair to Google, I’m pretty sure that it’s got 99.9% of things pretty much down.

Having said that, there is a lot of misinformation and fake news online, and I guess it couldn’t hurt to pay the folks at Hillcrest Baptist Church a visit and see what they have to say for themselves. Ask them anything you like!


17. Oops!

This was a phrase that always got me and my siblings to stop misbehaving almost immediately. When you heard these words, you know that your folks weren’t messing around.

It may sound like the typical, empty, parental threat, however, I don’t know about you, but I’d rather not risk the rapture, thanks very much! I’ll be good, I mean it this time!


18. Sundaes vs Sundays

Another great play on words here. This sign also sums up why America is the greatest country in the world – you can get salvation and sundaes on the same day, within a few blocks of each other.

Depending on your church, you might have to spend far more time in church than you do chowing down through a delicious ice cream, but hey, you can’t have it all.


19. We don’t care anymore

The photo here is kind of poor quality, so just incase you can’t make it out, the sign says “BLAH BLAH BLAH JUST GO TO CHURCH”.

I guess the guy who put the letters out had just had enough of trying. Ironically, though, this probably turned out to be their most effective sign, because you can be sure that it made people take notice.


20. New Friend Request

The church is obviously trying pretty desperately to appeal to the millennial demographic with this one.

I’d definitely accept a friend request from Jesus. As well as being our lord and savior, he’s also really nice, and almost definitely wouldn’t send you any Farmville requests or tag you in spammy posts. The man is too busy for any of that nonsense!

Image result for jesus thumbs up gif


21. Don’t show us up

Wow, this sign from St John’s Methodist Church is pretty darn close-to-the-bone, but I guess sometimes it takes tough love to get through.

I may have p*ssed a good few people off in my time, but I think (or hope) that I have enough redeeming qualities not to put the priest at my funeral in an awkward situation. At least I hope so…


22. Ain’t that the truth

Okay, so this sign from Seventh Day Advent Church might have absolutely nothing to do with Jesus or the bible, but it’s hard to argue with their statement, as any cat owner would probably tell you.

A lot of cats seems like jerks at first, but that just makes it ten times more rewarding when you finally manage to win them over!


23. Pardon me?

This is a sign from Mount Olive Baptist Church that was presumably supposed to gently shame people into coming to church more often. However, it has had an undesired effect of achieving internet fame, due to an unfortunate double-entendre.

And yes, I can hear the more immature members of the congregation sniggering in the back. Pipe down, you lot! Don’t make me come back there!


24. Smokin’!

Whichever member of staff came up with this sign obviously had a very macabre sense of humor, and I like that very much.

To be honest, it’s probably painfully accurate as well – for a lot of us, cremation is pretty much the only chance at a smoking hot body. Why does everything that tastes good make us fat? I bet the Church can’t answer that…


25. Near, far, wherever you are…

This is a clever sign, and conveys a good message. I agree that you should never be afraid to try new things… unless, perhaps, that “new thing” is building an enormous ship called the Titanic and trying to sail it through icebergs.

Did you know that they’re currently building a successor to the Titanic, which will follow the exact same route on its maiden voyage? I guess human being just never learn.


26. Totally baked

This might be a little bit too political for some of you, and I do respect that, but I also respect this church for taking a stand for what they believe in.

I just hope that the “all are welcome” part also extends to people who would respectfully disagree with the sign. There’s far too much political division these days.


27. On a mission

We’ve had a good few unintended innuendos in this list so far, but it’s good to see a church actively embracing it for once, and having a bit of fun with a naughty pun.

Here’s too the staff and congregation at Metro Church of Christ! I think you guys have the right approach – a sense of humor is bound to draw people in.


28. The right kind of lit

Here’s another church that have used slang to try to appeal to a younger audience. Nothing new there, you might think. But the key difference here is that they’re using words that young people actually use, and they’ve managed to make a great pun in the process!

Here’s to the staff at Antioch Baptist Church for being down with the kids.


29. Complex carbohydrates

It’s long been established that carbs are what makes us pile on the pounds, but that doesn’t mean that we’re going to stop eating them any time soon.

As much as I like this sign, I wonder does it also mean that I should stop going to church as much when it’s coming up to summer and I’m trying to fit into my bathing suit?


30. Gosh darn

A healthy reminder from the First Congregational United Church of Christ not to say the lord’s name in vain.

I’m more guilty of this than I’d like to admit, especially when I’m at the store and the person in front of me is walking really slowly, turning me into a freakin’ walking rage machine. Thanks to the Lord, I always manage to restrain myself from going nuclear.


31. Digital salvation

This sign stands out for a number of reasons – firstly, because it’s digital, and a lot more aesthetically pleasing than most of the others.

Secondly, because it references a hit Snoop Dogg song in a religious context, which I frankly think should be a much more common approach from churches around the country. This song has always been a guilty pleasure of mine.


32. Back to ‘bass’ics

We’ve had lots of fun in this gallery, and I’m going to leave you with a sizable earworm from the Bethlehem United Methodist Church.

What better way to keep the Dark Lord at bay than with a Meghan Trainor hit from 2015? I apologize in advance, because this song is going to be in your head for the rest of the day.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this gallery, folks! Follow Aunty Acid on Facebook for more like this.


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