20 Workplace Fails That’ll Make You Want To Laugh, Then Cry, Then Laugh Again
Work; we can’t avoid it. Unless you’re one of those very lucky few who grew up living on an oil mine or were born into fame or royalty.
But it isn’t always doom and gloom. Sometimes you get put in a small enclosed space with some of the funniest people on the planet, other times you spend so much of your life with these people you work with that they accidentally end up becoming part of a very weird yet wonderful little family. Like I’ve always said, it’s not where you work, it’s the people you work with that make it for you.
And these 20 “workplace fails” below are absolutely no exception. Scroll down, relate… and most importantly, enjoy!
1. This adult who couldn’t afford a “grown-ups” car, so they used the next best thing:
Hey, when times are tough you gotta make do with what you can! I give them 10/10 for innovativeness and dedication. Besides, I bet they save a fortune on gas… maybe not so much on batteries, however.
2. These co-workers were super supportive of their fellow co-workers promotion:
Awww! There’s nothing quite like feeling the love and support of the people who you’ve been working alongside with for the past decade… er, not that this person would know. But at least they got a cake!
3. A loving memorial was built for this employee… who moved desks:
Hey look, grief is real and it can happen anytime, anywhere for any reason. The moving of a deskmate is no laughing matter and is a situation that should be treated with the utmost respect and reverence! (Also, this is pretty freakin’ hilarious)
4. This office jazzed up their urinals for their office party:
I mean yeah the thought was there and I like what they’ve done with the place… but… well I hate to be the one to say it but isn’t this kind of… inconvenient? Unless the caretakers are just super lazy in this building and are hoping to have a helping hand and watering these poor, poor bouquets.
5. That one smart-a*s co-worker:
“Oh, er, Jerry? Yeah, Jerry doesn’t work here anymore. No, no I have no idea why. You’ll have to ask the Head of Department…”
6. And this absolute sick monster:
Apparently, this guy was sick and tired of everybody at work stealing HIS Jelly Beans, so he decided to get proactive. Can’t decide whether he is an absolute genius or an absolute monster. Maybe a bit of both. I bet it seriously taught everybody a lesson at least!
7. This co-work who put in extra hours after work so that he could cover his co-workers’ mouse-lasers with pictures of Nicolas Cage:
Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. And sometimes what you gotta do is stay behind in the office after everyone else has gone home just so you can stick Nicolas Cage’s face to all of their computer mouses in order to totally mess up their morning. Life’s funny like that sometimes.
8. That one co-worker who slipped that one time and now nobody will let him forget it:
Yep, heaven forbid you make one false move one day at work because you’ll literally only be known for that one false move for the rest of your working career.
9. Managers who always know the right thing to say:
Honestly, this one absolutely KILLS. ME. A classic smart-a*s manager thing to say. Come to think of it I’ve never met a manager who isn’t a smart-a*s… and er, hopefully, my manager never gets round to reading this.
10. This woman who was almost reported to the authorities for Orchid-related cruelty.
Still, it is comforting to know that there are people out there who care enough (and are this hilarious) about plant life to be proactive in the rescue of long-withstanding suffering flowers when they come across them. Shame on you Alicia! A plant is for life, not just for work.
11. This one co-worker who at least was very honest.
Look, they’re doing their best, okay? And at least they’ve warned you in advance. Heck, at least they’ve stayed at all. More than I would do! I know somebody who should be awarded employee of the month literally every day of this year.
12. This person who started a new job and found former co-workers underwear in their desk draw.
I hope… and I mean I HOPE, this is all just part of some cruel and elaborate “welcome to your first day!” prank. If it isn’t, well, I just have so soooo many questions.
13. This hilarious Dad and his underappreciated sense of humor. 
Gosh, it seems no one has a sense of humor anymore. Unless this prank caused any heart attacks, as then it would be completely understandable. I for SURE would have a few heart attacks myself if I saw this. 10/10 for hilariousness and ingeniousness though.
14. This note a security guard came back to:
The fact that these co-workers wanted this footage enough that they remembered the exact date and time of this incident makes me think that this must have been one of the greatest falls of all time. I wonder if the security guard granted their request? I mean, they did ask super politely.
15. This nursing home who showcases their best residents quotes of the day.
I don’t know what I enjoy about this more, the fact that a resident actually said this (and let’s be honest, they ain’t wrong) or the fact that said resident has been quoted as “The Don”. I have so, many, questions.
16. When your internet life accidentally crosses over into your working life.
Note to self: do not joke about wanting to die in front of co-workers. They have probably never heard of Reddit or Tumblr and you will be guaranteed a visit to the workplace counselor, which nobody ever, ever wants. Just smile and nod politely at anything and everything they say.
17. This very misleading Entrance (or Exit!?)
As if going to work 5 days wasn’t enough, you then have to deal with this nonsense every morning. Do I enter? Not enter? Is it a test? Is my manager watching me? Do I get a raise if I figure this out? I know one thing, I hope whoever is responsible for this got fired.
18. These super useful draws in the staff kitchen.
I don’t have time for this. As if the staff kitchen isn’t enough of a warzone as it is, you also have to deal with this confusion. The main thing I want to know is; what came first; the drawers or the wall!?
19. This genius idea somebody obviously put a lot of thought into.
Whoever did this is either very conscious of their blind co-workers and wanted to help them out but also has no common sense whatsoever, or they are very conscious of their blind co-workers in the workplace and secretly hates every single one of them thus wants to make life as difficult there as possible for them.
20. This risky bathroom situation.
Either this company is very, very ahead of its time, or very, very uneducated about the female anatomy. For the female worker’s sake, I hope it’s the freakin’ first one!
Don’t forget to share this wih your favorite (or most hated) co-workers!
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