20 Unbelievably Clever Tattoos Covering Scars And Birthmarks
Tattoo artists are incredibly talented people. They can take a blank canvas and transform skin into beautiful works of art. However, sometimes they are asked to cover up things such as scars and birthmarks. These blemishes on people’s bodies can lower their self-esteem or bring back traumatic memories from the time they got them.
These tattoo artists have done some incredible transformations that either cover up or compliment people’s scars or birthmarks, making them view their body in a much more positive light. Some of these are unbelievable…
1.) That IS the same hand…
Eric Catalano / Facebook
This is an incredible job by the tattoo artist! You wouldn’t even know that this is the same person’s hand. They will never have anyone glancing at their fingers again, this such a fantastic job, IT LOOKS SO REAL!
2.) Beautiful
Darbytattoo / Instagram
You would never have even known that there was a scar there in the first place! This design is simply stunning and works so well to cover her scar. Now, THIS is talent.
3.) Alien abduction
charlotteglatt_tattoos / Instagram
This is probably the best idea EVER to not hide her scar but incorporate it into the tattoo itself! This simply looks so COOL and works perfectly.
4.) May the force be with you
flavia.daedratattoo / Instagram
I love this so much! You would never even know that there was a scar there in the first place but you have the added bonus effect of the lightsaber being 3D! Whoever thought of this idea is a genius.
5.) X-ray fish
Holdenl2121 / Reddit
This just looks so seamless you forget that there’s even a scar there. I love this idea of incorporating scars into tattoos as it’s as though you are celebrating them rather than hiding them.
6.) Red red wine
alex_anvil / Instagram
This is so cool. It will take people’s attention away from the birthmark itself and more on the fun and quirky tattoo idea! People should never be ashamed of their body and embrace it instead.
7.) Growing through pain
Meninked / Instagram
This is such a clever idea. It shows how things can grow through pain and if you stay strong you will grow too! Will help this person to move on and be reminded of the positive not the negative.
8.) Adorable ghost
Hectorfong / Instagram
This is such a fun way to make your birthmark even cooler and more unique! I love how subtle this is, it might just be my favourite…
9.) Pretty and delicate
mini_tattooer / Instagram
This is such a clever idea to cover up blemishes! It looks so pretty and cute too. Incredibly talented to tattoo that small and delicately!
10.) Looks WAY too real…
Tattoomachinenapoles / Instagram
This one gives me the CHILLS it’s so real. Such an awesome way to turn a scar into a work of art. It would definitely make me do a double take though.
11.) So pretty!
Peyotlbodymod / Instagram
Another incredibly clever idea of incorporating a scar into a gorgeous design. Such a great placement too, it was as if it was meant to be…
12.) Face your demons tattoo
MyUsernameIsNotCool / Reddit
This is such an awesome design I love it so much. The artwork combined with the meaning behind it is just beautiful.
13.) Adorable Charmander
j9illustration / Instagram
What better way to cover up an old scar than with FIRE. This is such a clever idea and the texture of the old scar enhances the realism of the fire. Plus, it’s Charmander and you can NEVER go wrong with that.
14.) Carrot-shaped scar
anna_furdui / Instagram
I would never have thought that I would compare a scar to looking like a carrot but here I am. It is incredibly impressive and even the scar looks like it has had a bite taken out of it!
15.) Stay strong
Liljtattoos / Instagram
This is a brilliant way to send a new message with your scars. You aren’t embarrassed but proud of how far you’ve come and how strong you are. Awesome tattoo!
16.) Really clever
I really do love this one. It really does look like smoke coming off the match and I’m very impressed! No reason to cover that birthmark up at all.
17.) Scar? What scar?
adria.ink / Instagram
This design is gorgeous and does an awesome job of completely covering up that scar. She can now be completely comfortable and confident in her own skin.
18.) Run Forrest, run!
jers.jimmy / Instagram
This one is so cool! It’s so simple and yet you can immediately see that it is Forrest Gump. You forget that the road he is running on is even a scar in the first place!
19.) Saturn
haeyum.o_o / Instagram
This one is incredibly simple and yet so effective. Even the colour of the birthmark looks like Saturn! At first glance, you would never even think that this is a birthmark at all.
20.) Incredible design
Frankentiki / Instagram
This design is completely awesome and so clever! It fits in perfectly with the scar itself and compliments it rather than covering it up.
These tattoo artists are more talented than I’ll ever be and do a fantastic job of complimenting people’s bodies, scars, birthmarks and all! We should love our body and the skin we are in. However, if we feel more confident covering something up then go ahead and do it! You’ll look awesome either way.
The post 20 Unbelievably Clever Tattoos Covering Scars And Birthmarks appeared first on Go Social.
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