20 Inspirational Women Who Changed The World
The strength of a woman can be hugely underestimated. Not only do they mature faster in the womb than men and can live longer in extreme conditions but society has repressed them for hundreds of years until these inspirational women really broke the mould.
These women have really paved the way for future generations, opening more opportunities for women and inspiring young girls to follow their dreams, no matter how crazy they may seem! These women deserve recognition and appreciation for their bravery.
1.) Kathrine Switzer was the first woman to run the Boston Marathon
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Kathrine Switzer was the first officially registered woman to run the Boston Marathon, encouraging other women to do the same! A representative of the organizers tried to stop her, as you can see in the picture. Her face is one of grim determination and no one was going to stop her!
2.) Irina Rodnina is the most successful pair skater
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Irina Rodnina is a champion of 3 Olympic Games and 10 World Championships. She suffered from pneumonia 11 times as a child! This shows how strong she was and how she didn’t let anything stand in her way.
3.) Lella Lombardi was the only woman who scored points in the Formula One World Championship
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Lella Lombardi paved the way forward for women in racing, showing how that when you have a passion and work towards it, you can break into a sport that was apparently only for men.
4.) Kay D’Arcy fulfilled her Hollywood dream at 69
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Kay D’Arcy worked her entire life as a nurse which is already inspirational enough! However, she always had a dream to become a Hollywood actress and at 69-years-old, she decided to go and chase her dream. She was offered the main role in Agent 88 10 years later. Now, this tells us that it’s never too late to achieve your dreams.
5.) Smaranda Brăescu aviation and parachuting pioneer
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Smaranda Brăescu was one of the first women to get a parachuting license, she paved the way for women in aviation, making it much more accepted.
6.) Laura Bassi was the first female professor
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The inspirational Laura Bassi was the first female professor at a university who was officially allowed to teach. A great, brave step forward in a then male-dominated profession.
7.) Julie Creffield was told that she was too fat to run
AFP DON EMMERT / Getty Images
After being told that she was too fat to run, Julie Creffield became a marathon runner, writer, and motivational speaker. This is the perfect way to respond to hate, never tell a woman that she can’t do something!
8.) Sofia Kovalevskaya was a female pioneer in mathematics
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Sofia Kovalevskaya entered a bogus marriage so that she could go abroad and study mathematics at university. Her education was a priority and made women in mathematics a widely accepted thing.
9.) Joy Mangano was an amazing inventor
Joy Mangano / Instagram
Joy Mangano is a divorced mother of three children and she managed to create over 100 inventions! The most famous is the Miracle Mop, making mopping easier than ever. She even had a movie made about her life called Joy in which Jennifer Lawrence played this amazing woman.
10.) Ruby Bridges was the first African-American child to attend an all-white school
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Ruby Bridges was an incredibly brave little girl, standing up against the terrible racism and attending an all-white school. She was guarded by US Marshals who were put in place by President Dwight Eisenhower. It’s disgusting that she needed guards to be safe but because of brave people like Ruby, African-Americans can safely attend school.
11.) Sophia Amoruso founded the online fashion retailer, Nasty Gal
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After founding the online fashion retailer, Nasty Gal, Sophie Amoruso one of the world’s richest self-made women in 2016. During her childhood she was diagnosed with both ADHD and depression, she fought against it and became hugely successful!
12.) Elizabeth Blackwell became the first US woman to receive a medical degree
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Elizabeth Blackwell really promoted the medical education of women, encouraging women to invest themselves in the difficult but rewarding career. Her medical contributions live on to this day with the Elizabeth Blackwell medal being rewarded to a medical professional every year.
13.) Annie Smith Peck was an inspirational mountaineer
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Annie Smith Peck was the founding member of the American Alpine Club, she was climbing mountains even at the age of 82! In 1895, she sparked debate as women weren’t allowed to wear trousers in public and she broke these standards with her climbing outfit.
14.) Sara Blakely is the founder of Spanx
Sarablakely / Instagram
Sara Blakely was working in a office supply company when her experiments with pantyhose began, she eventually formed Spanx in 2000. She took 93rd place on the Forbes list of powerful women in 2014. No matter where you are in life, you can achieve your dreams!
15.) Nellie Bly was incredibly brave
© H. J. Myers / Wikimedia Commons
Nellie Bly pretended to be mad in order to be admitted to a female mental hospital. She proceeded to spend 10 days there in order to write an expose article about the inhumane treatment of the female patients there. This is incredibly brave and inspirational, such a huge sacrifice to help other women!
16.) Rosa Parks civil rights movement activist
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Rosa Parks is most well-known for not giving up her seat to a white passenger on the bus. Her bravery brought attention to the unjust issue and helped to bring it to a close.
17.) Susan B. Anthony was a crusader for the woman’s suffrage movement
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Not only did she help women to get the vote but she also campaigned extensively for the abolition of slavery and labour rights of women. Her selfless compassion managed to create a whole host of new opportunities for women.
18.) Margaret Sanger laid the foundation for planned parenthood
Bettmann / Bettmann Archive
Sanger had her mouth covered in this picture on April 17, 1929, in protest of not being able to talk about birth control in Boston. She popularized the term “birth control” and helped women have a lot more control over their life and bodies.
19.) Indira Gandhi was the first and only female prime minister of India
Bettmann / Bettmann Archive
She became the first female prime minister in India during 1966. Sadly, she was murdered by two of her bodyguards in 1984. I hope that another female prime minister will rise to power in India soon.
20.) Sally Ride was the first American woman in space
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Sally Ride was 32 when she journeyed to the stars in 1983. Paving the way for female astronauts moving forward!
These inspirational women have really changed the world for the better and motivate us to do the same! Which of these women inspired you the most? Let us know in the comments.
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