20 Funny Gas Station Signs To Make Your Day
Gas stations really aren’t the most exciting places in the world, you usually go in the morning, half-asleep, grab a coffee and spend way too much money on gas. It’s really not that wild or enjoyable.
However, these gas stations decided to inject a little bit of humour into the everyday commute of its customers. These signs not only brighten people’s days but also get them more business, everyone wins! These signs are just pure gold and would make me happy to spend my money on gas.
1.) Life lessons
A joke that makes you think. Take regular naps but definitely not when at the wheel, unless you really never want to reach old age. The perfect sign for a gas station!
2.) Hokey Pokey addict
Funny Signs
This person definitely has an addiction problem but at least they can laugh about it! Not sure that they have truly turned themselves around though…
3.) The important question in life
Facebook/Wallingford Signs
This one really got me thinking. However, I think if you have a decent recovery time between each “scared half to death” instances, you should be okay. Now I’m scared of being scared.
4.) Sassy pump
I can relate to this gas pump with an attitude problem on a spiritual level. At least they provide receipts inside though, you definitely aren’t going to get anything from that sassy pump though!
5.) Someone find me some bacon seeds
Facebook/Wallingford Signs
Now all I ever want in life is some bacon seeds! This person’s diet clearly only consists of bacon and I am completely on board with that. Yes, it’s unhealthy but it’s also DELICIOUS!
6.) Snacks are always important
They have definitely got their priorities right. High speed chase? Snacks are the most important thing! I’m not sure if this sign is for the cops OR the criminals but either way, snacks are needed.
7.) Not sure I trust this sign
Funny Signs
It could take hours but it’s still fast service because the sign says so. Makes sense…I guess?
8.) The older you get, the clearer your conscience
Facebook/Wallingford Signs
People that have a clear conscience is clearly because they’ve forgotten all the bad things they’ve done in life. I guess older people must have the clearest consciences of us all then?
9.) Sounds interesting…
Funny Signs
Not sure what Pumpkin Spice Oil Change is but it doesn’t sound like a nice combination…at least it might smell nice though! I must say, this pumpkin spice trend really is getting out of hand.
10.) The truest words ever spoken
Facebook/Wallingford Signs
The working week is tough and this sign is so true to many people. Monday is the worst, Tuesday is equally as bad and then it’s just downhill until the weekend. So, I agree, the first five days really are the hardest. They should change it to a five-day weekend and two-day week.
11.) Hit and run
At least this gas station can see the funny side of someone literally hitting their sign and permanently denting it. They should NEVER change this sign now, it’s just so perfect.
12.) Good to know
I’m slightly concerned that they felt the need to put a sign up reassuring people that they won’t fart in people’s cars when changing their oil, was this a problem before or something? I’m the only one that’s allowed to fart in my car.
13.) Poor deers
This is enough to put anyone off venison. I’ve never had it myself but the thought of eating a deer seems so wrong, think of Bambi!
14.) The perfect child
This is what I like to say about myself on a daily basis. It’s not my fault that my parents were extreme perfectionists that has obviously created the best child in the world. I would like to meet whoever wrote this sign and see why they think that they are more perfect than me.
15.) The ultimate hypothetical question
Facebook/Wallingford Signs
If there were no hypothetical questions, would this sign even exist? Now I’m very confused, what even defines a hypothetical question? Does anyone ever answer them? Let’s stop this.
16.) How COULD you?!
This combination, when given to a child, is GUARANTEED to ruin any parent’s day. They better not let their child out of sight or they will be left with a huge headache as their child is hopped up on sugar and caffeine.
17.) A dark observation
Facebook/Wallingford Signs
It took me a little while to understand this one. I feel sorry for the first mouse but I’m sure it’s sacrifice is appreciated by the second mouse who manages to enjoy the said cheese.
18.) A long list of payment options
Funny signs
I wish that I could pay for everything in life just by complimenting the cashier’s beard or offering waffles and pigeon hats. However, the open-mouthed kiss and secret Illuminati handshake are a little bit too weird for me. Maybe I’ll just stick to Visa debit.
19.) Spending all your money on gas
This is a funny sign but its also VERY true. Fueling your car with gas can literally cost an arm and a leg, you might as well refinance your home! At least this gas station offers help with that…
20.) Air and space are pretty boring
Facebook/Wallingford Signs
A museum full of air and space just sounds like an empty room if you ask me. At least this gas station is warning you against wasting your time there!
Next time you get gas, think about these funny signs and maybe parting with your cash will be less difficult. If you work in a gas station, you need to take inspiration and brighten your customers days! Which one was your favourite? Let us know in the comments.
The post 20 Funny Gas Station Signs To Make Your Day appeared first on Go Social.
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