20 Examples Of Terrible Celebrity Fan Art

Is it mean to make fun of people’s art that they probably put a lot of time into? Probably. However, these are just so bad that it’s IMPOSSIBLE not to laugh at them…sorry.

These are so terrible that they are HILARIOUS. They look nothing like the celebrities that they are meant to be, however, I’m going to be honest, they are better than anything I could draw…

1.) Robert Pattinson

Sad and Useless

He definitely looks like more of an intimidating vampire here…however, it looks nothing like him. It looks like a dying, sad alien man.

2.) Jack Nicholson

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This brings a whole new terrifying meaning to “here’s Johnny!” If you thought the film was scary, this drawing is far more horrifying. I would be even more scary if THIS was trying to kill me…

3.) Sylvester Stallone

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This one isn’t actually as terrible as the rest of them. It does kind of look like him in a weird uncanny way but it’s still very unsettling.

4.) The Rock

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The Rock slightly looks like a square head…also, look at those teeth! I definitely wouldn’t want to mess with him.

5.) Jim Carrey

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Oh wow, that’s unusual. Jim Carrey looks like he has had a particularly bad day in this drawing. Its still FAR better than I could possibly do though.

6.) Al Pacino

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I’m going to be honest, this is probably the one that looks the least like the celebrity it’s meant to. It does look disturbing and creepy though so well done!

7.) Eminem

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Now this IS Shady. I don’t really like this at all, I feel really unsettled looking at this. I have nothing else to say about this…

8.) Twilight

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Now, this looks like a HORROR story rather than a romance. Edward and Bella look like two alien beings descending on Earth to kill EVERYONE!

9.) Nicole Kidman

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Okay, Nicole Kidman looks like an alien here. She looks so creepy, and I am scared. Whoever drew this can’t like her to make her look like this.

10.) Daniel Radcliffe

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My eyes! Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter here looks like a serial killer at the end of a killing spree. That smile is the creepiest thing I’ve EVER seen.

11.) David Schwimmer

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Why the long face, David? His face just looks slightly off here, something isn’t right and it’s pretty scary to look at.

12.) Justin Timberlake

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Okay, that is NOT Justin Timberlake. Please tell me it’s not supposed to be him. They look nothing alike, I am really sorry to break it to you.

13.) Brad Pitt

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Brad Pitt doesn’t quite look like the heart-throb he usually does in this drawing. His features are just TINY on his face.

14.) Leonardo DiCaprio

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This is a bit of an insult to good old Leo if you ask me. He looks like a creepy 14-year-old attempting to grow a beard.

15.) Bruce Willis

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If you asked me who this drawing was, my LAST answer would probably be Bruce Willis. This just looks like a weird and creepy humanoid and it scares me.

16.) Justin Bieber

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The only thing that gives away that this is a drawing of Bieber is the classic hair. The face looks like a demented doll and I can’t forget that.

17.) Christopher Walken

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What is this MONSTER?! This is just absolutely terrifying. It kind of looks like him but like a zombie, scary version of him.

18.) Tom Cruise

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Okay, I’m sorry, this really isn’t Tom Cruise. Stop lying. It’s someone else, right? Why do his arms look so much bigger than the rest of his body?!

19.) Christian Bale

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You really wouldn’t be able to tell that this is Batman so I think that his disguise is working. Even without the mask, he doesn’t look like who he is.

20.) Bruce Lee

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I didn’t know Bruce Lee’s body was that much smaller than his head! He is like one of those bobbleheads…

Have you ever attempted to draw a celebrity and failed miserably? Which one was your favourite? Let us know in the comments!

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