13 Misconceptions Men Have About Women’s Bodies

Do you ever think about the misconceptions that people have about everything, like food, animals, and superstitions, etc.? Well, surprisingly, there are myths that exist for a large number of men about a woman’s body and most of them are completely awkward. But honestly, the perception with which women are seen is to be blamed.

Check out our list of the absurd misconceptions that men have about the body of a woman!

1.Both the breasts just the same

This is a very common misconception that men seem to have because they think about symmetry. But this is not true.

Absurd Misconceptions Guys Have About Women's Bodies


2. Women don’t really have hair on any part of their body except their head

All thanks to the advertisements that portray a woman who shaves her already hairless legs, to give rise to such a misconception. Just like guys, even women have hair on almost every part of their body, except that they are usually much smaller than what men have.

Absurd Misconceptions Guys Have About Women's Bodies


3. Women have just one opening in that region

A lot of men think that women have just one hole in the region, which they also use for urinating, but the reality is there is a small opening for urinating, which is different from the actual $3xual organ.

Absurd Misconceptions Guys Have About Women's Bodies


4. Periods that are painful are okay

Being a woman does not come up with a trait of having very painful periods. There may be complications involved. If she is facing really painful periods, she should see a doctor.

Absurd Misconceptions Guys Have About Women's Bodies


5. Blood during periods is a body waste

Let us be real, there are so many people who think that the period blood is bad, has impurities or stinks. But the reality is it is just blood. It is the blood that has come from the ruptured lining of the v*gina, which is completely natural.

Absurd Misconceptions Guys Have About Women's Bodies


6. The primary $3xual part is the v*gina

Relating a woman’s body to a man’s body is the reason why this misconception is there. The vaginal orgasms are really rare, unlike men, which have only one main organ for orgasm.

Absurd Misconceptions Guys Have About Women's Bodies


7. That making out is good, even when you have a full gut

Biology says that the an*l wall and the v*ginal walls are close, so having a session when you have constipation makes it a bad experience.

Absurd Misconceptions Guys Have About Women's Bodies


8. Breasts are just like a spherical ball that can be handled easily

They are delicate and tender and must be handled with care. Thus, men should be really gentle with them.

Absurd Misconceptions Guys Have About Women's Bodies


9. Women don’t sweat

Maybe, we should teach everyone that all humans have skin and all skin has sweat glands that release sweat. So, just like men, women also sweat. It is not at all related to your gender.

Absurd Misconceptions Guys Have About Women's Bodies


10. Period $3x is a bad thing

Surprisingly, period $3x can be more relieving, to both the partner, as there is more lubrication and it can also numb the cramps for time. And STDs do not spread with period $3x.

Absurd Misconceptions Guys Have About Women's Bodies


11. Women have a smaller bladder than men

Well, this is false, because the reason why women feel more urge to pee is that a woman’s bladder cannot expand itself as much as a man’s bladder.

Absurd Misconceptions Guys Have About Women's Bodies


12. Women can always lactate

No, this is one of the absurd misconceptions that men have about a woman’s body. The time when women produce milk is only when the woman is pregnant, to feed the child after she gives birth.

Absurd Misconceptions Guys Have About Women's Bodies


13. Women don’t have Adam’s apple

Well, both men and women have the same muscles in their vocal cords, so yes, women also have an Adam’s apple, except, it doesn’t pop out like in men, because the male $3x hormone testosterone doesn’t really get that high in women to change the flexes of those muscles to come out to be visible.

Absurd Misconceptions Guys Have About Women's Bodies


The post 13 Misconceptions Men Have About Women’s Bodies appeared first on dontgetserious.

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