10 Things About Your Appearance That Can Make You Look Unattractive

In the true spirit of Christian Dior’s idea, the 3 fundamentals of good dressing is simplicity, good taste and grooming, which are absolutely free. But many of us ignore the third pillar of the pantheon which undermines the value of the first 2 as well!  But here we are, enlightening you with those 10 deceptively small things about your appearance which can make or break your image publically, but unfortunately, it does the latter more often. These are the common mistakes about your appearance that make a bad impression,

1Wearing faded clothes is a big NO!

We all know the magical affect of the LBD, which can make any girl look like a princess, but if it’s an old worn out dress and the fabric is overwashed, making the color of your dress far from the perfect black that it was meant to be, it will be disastrous for you. Mind you, this applies to all bold, solid color clothes you have.

Wearing faded clothes is a big NO

Image Source: www.fokuzz.com

Solutions to maintain their color

But here is the remedy- always wash your blacks and solid color clothes in cold water, with vinegar, tea or black coffee while washing. Do not tumble dry at all and you would be good to go!

Solutions to maintain their color

Image Source: www.aiirodenim.com

2White clothes that aren’t perfectly white


The logic here remains the same as the black dresses. White dresses have to be pristine to have that perfect out of the world look. But if they have a yellowish or grayish tinge, it would make your look messy, especially the stubborn stains left behind by sweets, which are super hard to remove.

White clothes that aren’t perfectly white

Image Source: www.fokuzz.com

Here’s what to do

Well no worries as we have a remedy for that. Slight yellowing can be removed with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, or lemon juice when washing the whites. If it still does not go away its better to discard the garment all together.

Here’s what to do

Image Source: stackpathdns.com

3Negligently rolled up sleeves

Rolled up sleeves on a man makes him look youthful, dynamic and downright sexy, only if it’s done properly and not scrunched up giving it the look of an accordion, which would give the impression that you have never worn a buttoned up shirt since you left school. But worry not as we would guide you to do it right.

Negligently rolled up sleeves

Image Source: ofpof.com

Here’s what to do

All you need to is to unfasten the sleeve buttons, straighten them and turn the cuffs inside and repeat it. If there is a color difference between cuffs and sleeves make it an Italian sleeve tucks and you are good to roll.

Here’s what to do

Harem pants aren’t advisable

Harem pants are basically trousers with a low steep seam. These would rather suit hip-hop artists or fictitious Disney characters. In fact, wearing harem pants is no more than an unsuccessful attempt to sport a trendy and fashionable look.

Harem pants aren’t advisable

Image Source: ofpof.com

Here’s what to do

Well if you have made up your mind on wearing this monstrosity, wear them with sneakers or sandals and club it with tank tops or a slim fit T-shirt.

Here’s what to do

Image Source: pinimg.com

5Dandruff spots on clothes


Traces of dandruff can spell out a complete nightmare and give a wrong impression of your personal hygiene which can be insulting. But it does not mean you cannot fight this beast. Dandruff can be a real bummer but there are remedies for it.

Dandruff spots on clothes

Image Source: pixabay.com

The solution

Start taking extra care of your hair and clean it thoroughly at least twice a week with medicated anti-dandruff shampoos. Consult your trichologist and take the prescribed vitamins, till then stay away from dark shade dresses.

The solution

Image Source: beautyhealthtips.in

6Too many accessories

Accessory overload alongside bright makeup can mean just one thing-disaster. This mistake can even destroy the look of a well though outfit making it look awkward. If we take the great Coco Chanel’s advice, we must do away with the last accessory which we put on as usually, they are the superfluous ones. Who can argue a legend, so we blindly follow her dictum here as well.

Too many accessories

An unkempt beard

A man’s beard works pretty much like a women’s makeup, that is to hide the flaws in your appearance. But this is only possible if the facial hair is well groomed and neat, otherwise, there is a high chance of you looking like a poor homeless guy, not to mention food getting stuck while eating which is downright repulsive.

An unkempt beard

Image Source: fb.ru

The solution

Your beard should be worn according to the shape of your face. All you need to do is to make a visit to a barber shop or maintain the style by trimming it yourself.

The solution

Image Source: smosh.com

8Saggy pants are unflattering


Saggy pants make your bottom look ugly and disheveled from behind. They look ugly too especially if carried off with poor posture.

Saggy pants are unflattering

Image Source: 9gag.com

The solution

This could be easily rectified if you stop wearing hand-me-downs and invest on well-fitted trousers or jeans which would flatter your shape, and till you have the perfect body to flaunt it, stay away from low waistline jeans.

The solution

Image Source: wordpress.com

9Throw away your stale make-up

Please throw away the cosmetics which are way past their expiration dates as they would make you look ugly as well as harm your skin. Besides crumbling mascara, dried out lipstick and badly drawn eyebrows can be noticed from a mile away, they make you look unattractive and tired. The solution is to invest on cosmetics suiting your skin type and regularly cream to fix those dark circles.

Throw away your stale make-up

Image Source: latherapiespa.co

10Not paying attention to the little things


Small things such as lipstick stains on your teeth, a tiny hole in your dress or even a piece of lunch stuck in your teeth is are quickly and easily noticed. Since now we know that the devil lies in the little details, we must before leaving house critically examine ourselves in the mirror and follow the same protocol after drinking coffee or having an office lunch.

Not paying attention to the little things

The post 10 Things About Your Appearance That Can Make You Look Unattractive appeared first on dontgetserious.

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