These 30 Things If Your Boyfriend Does, Will Prove He Is Genuinely In Love With You
For a woman loving someone is easily understood, from their body language as their action is based exactly, on what their heart speaks. Whereas men are very unpredictable.
Well, not to worry, we bring you a list of 30 things, if you find your boyfriend doing it, then you can be assured that he genuinely loves you.
1. You’re the first thing on his mind when he wakes up and he texts you to let you know that.
2. Is not afraid to express his love for you in front of others.
3. Will not leave your side even if it means awkward family gatherings and so on.
4. Doesn’t tire of clicking a million selfies till you get the perfect one.
5. Is always ready to take care of you when you fall sick.
6. Is ready to spend his entire day in ladies section of all the stores just to help you shop.
7. He is not too picky when it comes to your home cooking.
8. Loves to give you little surprises like flowers and cards even if there’s no occasion.
9. Planning your birthday surprise is the highest on his priority list.
10. Is not embarrassed to dance in front of strangers even though he doesn’t know how, just to make you happy.
11. Will always offer you his jacket every time there’s a nip in the air and you are not prepared.
12. Will wear the most ridiculous sweatshirts if you’re the one who got him those.
13. Is not interested in any other women than you, no matter how hot or sexy.
14. Will happily volunteer to do your chores, if he sees that you need to get a break.
15. He is not embarrassed about buying tampons or pads for you. The only opinion that matters is yours, not some random passerby’s.
16. He will cancel the most important of his meetings if he hears that you need him immediately.
17. He will smile through a tortuous family dinner even though your parents might not like him, just for your sake.
18. He will happily cook if you’re too tired to do it.
19. He will take care of you when you drink a bit too much.
20. Will happily sit through multiple seasons of a show he doesn’t like for you.
21. Will always serve food to you first and share his share.
22. Will make sure that you are pampered and relaxed during your periods.
23. He will apologize to you after fights because he doesn’t want you to stay angry.
24. Even though he might not like traveling, he’ll do it for your vacations.
25. Even while buying things for himself, he keeps your choice in mind.
26. He will never get bothered by your loud snores at night; no matter how much he teases you for them.
27. He will never even try to imagine a life without you.
28. He will never interrupt or disregard when you’re trying to share something important with him. He will be your most patient listener.
29. Even though he might end up being on the floor, he won’t mind giving his side of the bed to you as well.
30. And, finally, he’ll always protect you, be it rain, heat or internet bullies.
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