THE SEARCH IS OVER! Here Are 7 Places In Lagos Where You Can Meet The Woman Of Your Dreams
On The Street
Meeting a woman on the street is usually difficult to pull off. It is important you get every stage right from planning to execution if you hope to sweep her off her feet. The trick here is to make her feel the whole thing was spontaneous even though you planned every detail. You can initiate a conversation by saying a simple ‘hello’, asking for the time or simply commenting about how pretty she looks. Accompany your chat with a smile and you will most likely get a positive response.
This one is best for those that are still willing to learn a thing or two. Whether it’s undergraduate or postgraduate classes, a class is a good way to meet that woman you’ve been thinking about. What makes it interesting is the fact that you both have common interests and have prolonged exposure to her. You can always offer to help them with a class task or offer to walk them home. Any one that you choose will be a perfect opportunity to ask her out on a date.
The Mall
This may sound strange but malls have increasingly become a good place to meet a better half. In fact, some stores in England have had to introduce a singles once in a week. Chances are you’d meet strong and independent women who have an idea of what they want here. You also have the advantage of having enough time to chat them up while they window shop or do actual shopping.
Social Media
This option is also quite popular among the younger generation. The advantage that lies with meeting someone over the Internet is that you don’t have to commit yourself immediately as you have sufficient time to know if you’re willing to progress with the relationship. Another advantage is that you get to know quite a bit about them and you can prepare in line with what you know.
Religious Houses
If you’re looking for the kind of girl you can spend your lifetime with, where else better to look than the church or any other religious institutions? Social invents organised by these places are the best times to go scouting. The truth is quite a number of women here may have been repressed and are on the lookout for a man that’s willing to show interest in them.
Probably for the geeks, but is a place to meet the best of women who are reading and browsing with joy. The library is one place you can spend a lot of time in the presence of a woman you’ve been eyeing without seeming like a stalker. You can also learn a few things about her by observing the kind of books she reads before making a move to talk to her.
Musical Show
You’d probably have to scream at the top of your voice while trying to converse with her just like a typical nightclub but you at least know from the beginning that you both have something in common. You have an easy accessible conversation point and you’re favoured by the fact that the musical Show will get to end at some point.
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