Photos Showing How Perfect Photos Are A Big Lie!

So Much For Instagram!

So Much For Instagram!

So Much For Instagram!

Ohhhh good lord, things that people do for their Instagram page! Imagine if someday the owner decides to just sh the app? Bammm, so many modeling careers will be over!

No Perfect Photo!

No Perfect Photo!

Because a perfect photo does not exist. What exists is a perfect editing software and that is how all of this comes out!



Never ever trust advertising or your eyes when it comes to advertising! Everything is just an illusion thanks to some incredibly talented artists!



Not very attractive anymore? Well, this is what happens when you get deeper into the roots of things that you see!



Levitation as it really is ladies and gentlemen! As mentioned, there isn’t any perfect photo in the world!

Ohhhh Good Lord!

Ohhhh Good Lord!

Hey, I wanna take this picture too! Ohhhh wait, I wanna buy the same editing software instead! Makes sense?

The Difference!

The Difference!

Photoshop can change everything, literally everything! I mean, you can see the difference yourself!



When you get to see the reality of this image, you realize of unreal the expression is! The girl is happy, yes but not comfortable!

Stop Tricking!

Stop Tricking!

Perfect Lighting? Ya sure! Perfect vacation? Ya sure! We know the reality girl, don’t trick us you see!

The Angle!

The Angle!

Photographer’s job is not easy! The angles they have to click their pictures in are crazy!

The post Photos Showing How Perfect Photos Are A Big Lie! appeared first on dontgetserious.

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