Husbands Who Are Absolutely WINNING At Marriage

As anyone who is married knows, marriage (or any relationship, really) takes a bit of work. It’s not all sparkles and unicorns and romantic walks on the beach. In fact, it’s often picking up dirty dishes, loud exasperated sighs, and wars over all of the covers.

But the key is to keep things fun (or dysfunctional, in a good way) and these guys seem to have gotten the memo.

You want whipped cream? I’ll give you whipped cream.

When he was stuck in the craft store, he sent out an S.O.S.

And this guy in IKEA just gave up.

It’s poetry in motion…or on the fridge.

How one man told his wife he shrunk her sweater.

And their creativity in keeping the candy “safe” knows no bounds.

He makes a valid point.

With his face on a pillowcase, you’ll never have to miss him when he’s gone…side effects may include nightmares.

The moral of the story is, don’t let your husband tell them your “legal” name.

“Honey, can you put some pasta on the stove?”

I think the gardener is angling for a raise.

Then again, maybe he’s just creative?

Just a note of encouragement slipped under the door, but hey, there are some things you can’t rush.


May he live long and prosper when his wife screams and throws heavy objects into the shower.

His excuse? Well, it was on sale.

Ummm….so were these.

The weight of sweet words is immeasurable.

It’s the Dad Code.

Why some guys shouldn’t be allowed to RSVP to a wedding.

Even if they do have good taste in art.

Who needs an anniversary to send flowers? Not Steve, the closer of cabinet doors.

You leave him alone with baby for five minutes…

Hey! A blanket and rope are very “eco-friendly” wrapping options!

Technically he did get her a dozen roses.

But he should send the real thing after hiding a horn under her automatic car seats.

She wanted a designer handbag. She got a Gucci ham bag.

He lost a bet about their gender reveal and made sure he paid up.

You, and dat booty.

The proof is in the pork.

Getting a little bit fruity.

The post Husbands Who Are Absolutely WINNING At Marriage appeared first on dontgetserious.

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