A Mom Asked The Internet How To Get Her Dog To Stop Growling When Her Toddler Hits Him, So People Responded Brilliantly
It can be difficult to raise a small child along with a family pet. You need to set boundaries for the child as to what is and is not okay. If your child is punching your dog, however small your child is, you have utterly failed at this, and need to reassess your living situation for the benefit of the animal.
This is the subject of a discussion that came up recently on a website called Quora, and boy did it get people mad.
For those of you who don’t know, Quora is a discussion site where people basically ask for advice from the online community. It can be on any range of subjects, from building a computer to working out better.
It’s generally quite a useful site, but occasionally someone comes along with a question so utterly stupid that they make a rod for their own back, and incur the wrath of the community.
This was the case recently when an idiotic parent posed the question “When my toddler punches my dog, my dog growls at him. How do I get my dog to stop growling at my son?”
Of course, any sane person would realize that the answer to that is “STOP YOUR SON FROM HITTING THE DOG IMMEDIATELY”, which was the unanimous reply from other users on the board:
The question really did attract the ire of people on the board, and rightly so. I mean, how could you possibly think that this was okay?
Some offered advice on how to train away this bad behavior (the child’s bad behavior, that is)
And politicalwanderer here summed up my exact feelings on this matter very succinctly:
If you’re okay with letting your child harm and cause distress to your dog, you don’t deserve to have a dog in the first place. Take that sweet boy back to the shelter, and let them find him a family that will give him a loving home.
As for your brat’s behavior towards animals – you need to get that under check immediately, because animals deserve nothing but love and affection.
The post A Mom Asked The Internet How To Get Her Dog To Stop Growling When Her Toddler Hits Him, So People Responded Brilliantly appeared first on Go Social.
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