20 Reluctant Pet Owners Who Ended Up Loving Their Furry Friend

Sometimes we persuade our loved ones to agree to something that they definitely don’t want to do. I think this mainly applies to children convincing their family to buy a pet even when they aren’t the biggest fans of animals. I know, I have no idea what’s wrong with people like that either…

However, the adorable furry animals ALWAYS win over their owners in the end, even if they were very reluctant owners in the first place. I mean, who can say no to these adorable fuss-pots?!

1.) This grandpa didn’t want a “dang cat”

u/laurieatari / Via reddit.com

This grandpa was CONVINCED that he didn’t like cats and certainly didn’t want to have one as a pet. However, she eventually won him over and now he carries her to her little bed each night, how adorable!

2.) Sweet potatoes are a peace offering

u/SpecCRA / Via reddit.com

This dog looks the same size as his mom! I have no idea why she refused to touch such an adorable puppy but at least it ended well, they are now friends and share a love for sweet potatoes. My heart is well and truly melted.

3.) I think your dad lied…

u/Pulkamania / Via imgur.com

This is just so adorable! This dad loves his pug so much that it has to be with him AT ALL TIMES. They are clearly best buds and nothing can come between them, I’m not jealous AT ALL.

4.) From anti-dog to ALL OF THE DOGS

u/doylehawk / Via reddit.com

I have never seen such pure happiness on someone’s face in my life before, see this is what dogs to do people, they bring joy! This dad was just denying himself happiness when he labelled himself as ‘anti-dog’. I’m sure he doesn’t miss his son quite as much now…

5.) Proud builder of doggo fortresses

Twitter: @itsyarelli

Not only does this dad now own and LOVE a dog but he even builds it a GODDAMN FORTRESS! He looks so proud of his little pup and it’s just adorable.

6.) Cat people are the best people

u/Dezean / Via reddit.com

Lulu is a queen and deserves to have a place laid out for her on the table, I don’t care what people say! I am happy to see Lulu getting the respect that she so deserves.

7.) This dad who made an entire MONTAGE to express his love

For someone who apparently didn’t want a dog, this dad is having a hard time of convincing people that’s the case. This is the cutest and purest montage I have ever laid eyes on and my heart is full.

8.) This dad who has given in

u/eatmorchicken / Via reddit.com

This dad could resist the lure of a swish iPad OR the adorable puppy-dog eyes of this little sausage. Sounds like this dad is quite easy to convince. He has now got himself an i-Dog!

9.) This dog has a better life than I do

u/salpalxx / Via reddit.com

I wish someone would tuck me into bed every night. This doggo easily won over his owner and now his dad would go to the ends of the world to make his pup happy.

10.) Another recently converted dog dad

Twitter: @Mireyadaa

“My dad: I don’t want dogs in the house
Also my dad:”

This dad went to the store to specifically buy his favourite child (dog) a little paddling pool. I NEVER had a paddling pool as a kid and I’m extremely jealous. Although, he did say he doesn’t want dogs in the HOUSE. Maybe that’s why he bought him a paddling pool…

11.) Doggy coats never fail to be adorable

u/PeppermintPhatty / Via reddit.com

Aww, hanging up their little coats to dry, this is just so pure! What a caring dog dad, I can imagine him washing their little coats too, it’s just too much cute.

12.) From hating felines to becoming a cat-carpenter

u/herinitialsspellher / Via reddit.com

I’m sorry, but how can you hate these little cuties?! He obviously loves them really, why would he make this adorable bunk bed otherwise?! Definitely doing this for my many cats, might take a while to make 20 of these beds though…

13.) New love

u?LetsRaidTogether / Via reddit.com

Aww, the feeling of hate was mutual between these two. I’m so glad that they eventually came to an understanding and were able to bond, it really does warm my heart.

14.) This dad now sees his dog like a son

u/brahbocop / Via reddit.com

It’s so sweet that this dad and his son have formed such a special bond, even if he didn’t want him in the first place. That’s what unexpected dog ownership does to a man.

15.) His home still looks intact to me

u/ajaxwhat / Via reddit.com

This dad is winning at life. He’s got a new best friend AND a tidy house. He should have never doubted the cleanliness of a pug.

16.) She’s not technically on the couch

u/[deleted] / Via reddit.com

This dad has stuck to his guns. She’s not on the couch if she’s lying on him! Anyway, rules are meant to be broken, especially if an adorable puppy wants a cuddle.

17.) Teaching his grandpups the family business

u/bitchola / Via reddit.com

Aww, this doggy grandpa isn’t convincing ANYBODY that he actually does hate dogs. He is planning on passing down the family business to them, just don’t tell his son!

18.) It’s impossible NOT to love dogs

This guy clearly didn’t know that he had been caught. How can you not love such a happy little doggo? It’s basically evil not to.

19.) He said he didn’t like cats…he lied

This woman’s boyfriend claimed that he hated cats. She believed him until she caught this sneaky picture. I don’t know about you but I think that they look like best friends.

20.) She tells friends that she hates him…

Her boyfriend bought this adorable little kitten called Leeroy and she was annoyed because she ‘doesn’t like cats’. It looks like they are getting on just fine to me…

It warms my heart to see previous dog and cat ‘haters’ converted into lovers of our furry friends. Like all things in life, give it a chance and I guarantee you’ll end up loving it and building it a fortress. I think that’s how the saying goes…

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