Reasons Why More and More African Marriages Are Failing

There was a time when we took pride in the fact that African marriages last longer compared to other regions of the world and divorce was only considered as an indulgence of the West. Back then marriage was considered sacred and a woman’s crown. However, over the years, just as we have found it easy to adopt the ways and cultures of the West, so have we blended naturally into global divorce statistics.

While each region has varying rates, the divorce statistics in African communities are generally rising.  According to Aljazeera, as at 2012, divorce rates in northern Nigeria were among the highest in West Africa. Although there were no definitive figures, it’s believed that one in three marriages fail within three years. This goes to show that the strict cultural standards that we Africans once held for marriage have been completely shattered.

So what’s to blame for the change in principles as it pertains to the standards of marriage and divorce in Africa? A couple of factors I’ll say.

1 | Infidelity
This is one of the most common reasons for failed marriages in our society today. Most men are utterly unable to remain faithful to their spouses. The cultures and ways of life we have adopted makes it even easier for married men to hook up with ladies; social medias, newspaper publications, telecom advertisements etc. Everything surrounding us somehow encourages infidelity. And this goes both ways. Not only the men, but the women too have suddenly evolved to show that they too can be in the game. And this continues with little regard for the sacred institution of marriage or their children (if any).

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