Funny Things That Happen In An Exam Hall

Exam halls are the hottest places in the world and if you have ever been in one, you would understand just how hot it can be to finally sit for an exam you have been dreading, the bitter part of it is usually where you have zero clue whatsoever about what the exam would even be like, coupled with the fact that Nigerians just don’t roll with their books, we are not so much of the readers our examiners expect us to be.

Funny things happen in Exam halls, things we only have the guts to laugh about when we leave the hall because not having an answer to an important question and almost running mad is not a joke to even crack a smile at, at least; not in the hall

These are a list of 5 funny things we can totally relate to in an exam hall.

When You Don’t Know A Single Thing
You had closed your eyes and even done the “Hail Mary” prayer, then the paper finally comes and you don’t know a single thing, you cannot even write the exam to save your life because in your head, you are dead!!!
exam hall

Coming Into The Exam Hall Late

This is when you know that butterflies don’t only fly in the stomach when you are in love, it flies two times more, when you enter the exam hall and see everyone seriously writing, this time; the butterflies bite you. The sad part is that the examiner would still delay you with annoying questions of “why are you just coming”, and OMG, all eyes on you!

When Someone Flips To The Next Page
You are like “this guy has flipped to the next page! And Im still thinking of what to write” if there’s ever one time when we wish we can  switch heads with people and just take their heads for the exam, its this one. We forget who we are 90% of the time in exam halls, even our names!

Minding Your Business And Someone Asks For A Ruler

What for??? You have managed to answer the few questions your luck could get you and then one geeky looking boy asks for a ruler, the level at which we turn our heads to the boy is just funny because we have no idea how to even use the ruler for the question.

Calculating “ 2 + 2” With A Calculator Just To Be Sure

Because we hate to risk anything, we use the calculate to calculate the 2+2 we have known to be 4 all our lives, just in case the number has changed.

Suddenly Feeling Like Using The Toilet When Someone Submits
You were still trying to put yourself together and understand the question well when someone stands up with a full sheet and submits! From nowhere, you just feel like using the toilet because you can see from there that you have failed the paper, then you start to rush unnecessarily.

The Copycats
We will always find them in every exam hall, even though we become them sometimes. The people that ask everyone for answers, almost with tears in their eyes that it makes us even laugh.

These things make us laugh when we think about them because we can relate totally.
Do you have funnier Stories about your Exam Hall experience? Kindly use the comment section below.

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