Nurse On Deathbed Claims To Have Swapped More Than 5,000 Babies But It May Be Hoax

A previous maternity ward nurse at a University Teaching Hospital in Zambia has claimed, while on her deathbed, to have swapped over 5,000 newborn babies at birth meaning they may be spending their life with a different family to their biological one unbeknownst to anyone, but are the claims true?

(Source: lusakatimes)

The Zambian Observer published an article containing the statement by the Nurse. Elizabeth Mwewa is apparently suffering terminal cancer and made this statement on her deathbed:

“I have terminal cancer and I know I will be dying soon. I wish to confess my sins before God and before all the affected people especially those who were giving birth at UTH during my service. I have found God, [I’m] now born again. I have nothing to hide, In the 12 years I worked in the maternity ward at UTH, I swapped close to 5000 babies.”

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She went on to say, ‘If you were born in UTH between the years 1983 to 1995 chances are your parents may not be your biological parents.’ The claim had people quickly questioning how much truth there could really be behind the claim, with people asking where and how she found the opportunity to swap the babies so easily due to the amount of other working nurses and hospital protocols. I can only hope that the horrific claims are fake, for the sake of all those poor families!

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The nurse’s claims have gone viral across the internet and social media which prompted The Lusaka Times to look into the claims, and their finding suggest that the claims are more than likely false:

“Preliminary investigations into reports that about 5000 babies were swapped at the UTH between 1983 and 1995 have reviewed that there is no midwife in the General Nursing Council of Zambia Register by the name of Elizabeth Bwalya Mwewa. The investigation has also revealed that no midwife by that name ever existed and later on worked in maternity ward at the University Teaching Hospitals.”

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The article went on to assure people that ‘the investigation into the matter will help to verify the authenticity of the report and has called for calm among stakeholders as investigations continue in the matter.’ However, the findings are already pointing towards the fact that these freakin’ awful claims are false, which leaves me wondering why someone would lie about this?!

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Stories of people being swapped at birth don’t simply exist as convenient plot devices in Shakespearian farces and sitcoms, but real-life incidents of babies being switched at birth do happen. Last year, the Mirror published an article about two girls who were swapped at birth and spent 30 years living the lives of each other. However, the reality is that these stories are few and far between, and the idea that one nurse managed to switch around 5,000 babies without being caught is pretty hard to swallow!

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Babies being switched at birth is one of the modern horror stories for most people, the idea that you may be living the life of someone else is an eerie thought, and the dying nurse ought to be ashamed of herself for trying to instill such a widespread sense of panic, if she even is freakin’ dying!

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Let me know in the comments what you make of this nurse’s claims! Do you think that she’s just doing it for attention or could there be some truth in her statements? I hope not!  AAx

(Cover Image Credit: timesofisrael)

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