Incredibly Rare Moment Baby Is Born In “Bubble” Captured In Stunning Photographs

All births are beautiful! Sure, they may also be poop smeared, blood-spattered, gunk covered, noisy, smelly and excruciatingly painful but, still beautiful!

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Whilst every birth is special some really are standout. One such example is this little bundle of joy… Noah.

(Image Credit: JanaBrasil Fotographia)

Isn’t he just the cutest little patootie?! I’m sure you’ll all join me in welcoming this little guy into the wonderful wide world! But it might interest you to know that Noah’s first moments outside his Mom’s tummy weren’t the same as most babies…

You see, Noah was born en caul (I also pretended to know what that meant when I first read it…). Being born en caul means that a baby is born inside a still-intact amniotic sac (I made it rhyme so we would all remember and not be caught out again…). This kind of birth is incredibly rare, given that the sac tends to break during labor or a C-Section (which is the method Noah’s Mom underwent).

It’s thought just one in every 80,000 births is en caul! 

(Image Credit: JanaBrasil Fotografia

Noah, though he’s already one in 80,000 went one step further to be the star of the show! He made the cutest little facial expressions as he made his grand, bubbled entrance! This little guy already knows how to make an entrance!

(Image Credit: JanaBrasil Fotografia

Look at that little tongue! Already poking out at the grown-ups, he’s clearly going to grow into quite a cheeky chappy!

You’ve got to wonder how this amazing photographer managed to duck and dive throughout the entire labor for the perfect shots, without disturbing the doctors making the actual delivery!

(Image Credit: JanaBrasil Fotografia

Noah quickly lost his sense of humor! Poor little baby! He was clearly NOT impressed by being removed from his warm, dark, cosy home of nine months!

Jana Brasil is the photographer behind these stunning images, she spoke to CafeMom about the birth;

“It was an incredible moment for the whole team, because even though we have seen [en caul] deliveries, none was like Noah’s — he was making a face and pouting! It was simply exciting for the whole team!”

(Image Credit: JanaBrasil Fotografia)

To be honest, Noah that’s exactly how I look when I wake up!

Monyck Valasco (Noah’s mother) has since spoken out about the wonderful pictures;

“People all around the world are reposting the photos and looking for us. I saw him being born. They lowered the screen so I could see. I cried a lot. It’s an emotion that has no size.”

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Since Noah’s birth on January 28th his images have been amazing people the world over. I’m sure everyone can appreciate just what an amazing moment Jana has captured! All births are beautiful but this one is really something special!

Although Noah had to stay in the hospital for a few days after his birth due to a respiratory problem (unrelated to his unusual birth) he soon was able to return home and is now a healthy, bouncing baby boy.

After all, it doesn’t matter how exactly they’re delivered, it just matters that they arrive safe and sound!

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If you’d like to check out any more of Jana’s incredible photography you can do so here!

I’m wishing little Noah and his family all the best! Let me know in the comments what you think of these amazing photos! Be sure to share with any of your friends who are expecting too! AAx

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